New Linkie Things - Aria MacDonald

New Linkie Things

We have updated Aria’s linkie thing with a new photo. She has grown and changed so much since that last photo which was a while ago.

If you have used the code from our Support page it should have automagically updated.

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Aria MacDonald


Aria MacDonald

2 Responses to “New Linkie Things”

  1. Lisa says:

    noticed it had changed on the bottom of my emails! So it definately works!!! And Aria looks so grown up in the new pic! Hope you are all enjoying your week!


    Just to let you lovely young people know that you and Aria are in my prayers daily. She is a beautiful wee baby and she must bring you so much joy! Her life has no doubt touched so many hearts and yes the Lord does have plans for you all! I love the website you have set up and I have just looked through all the photos for the first time! As a grandparent too, I can just imagine how dotty your folks are over her! Did I hear that you were having another little bundle of joy soon, Anita? If that is correct, God bless you and keep you well throughout your pregnancy. I admire you for your courage and faith. Well done! God is so good! Love and blessings fro Jeannie

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“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11