When is not getting jabbed with needles a bad thing? - Aria MacDonald

When is not getting jabbed with needles a bad thing?

When your not well enough to be jabbed.

That’s right Aria and Asher were supposed to go and get some vaccinations they need for if/when we head to transplant, but it was decided that they were both to sick to have them.

It’s a little frustrating as it worked out perfectly to have them today as I was off work, however God had other plans.

At the moment Aria and Asher both have what appears to be a cold, with coughs and little grumbling temperatures. Add this to Aria’s low blood count, shonky liver number and she isn’t at her best. I guess best with Aria is a bit of a sliding scale, as time moves on she is struggling more with her health so todays best, may not be what it used to be.

Please pray for Aria, that she gets better (Asher too) and that she gets the transplant she really needs, sooner not later.

One Response to “When is not getting jabbed with needles a bad thing?”

  1. Tiffany says:

    I’m sorry that things didn’t go as planned. That indeed has to be fustrating! I pray Aria gets her transplant soon, & that Asher gets better to!

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