Nervousness - Aria MacDonald


Miss Aria is not herself this past day.  Yesterday she was grizzly all day which is very unlike her.  I ended up taking her for a big walk in the pram for a couple of hours which she seemed to enjoy, until we stopped moving and then she would let me know.

When Aria is sick the amount of fluid she loses from her stomach increases and she gets a temp.  Both of these are a little up and combined with her strange mood we are nervous that we might end up in Hotel Starship sometime this week.  Still we have our clinic appointment with Aria’s doctor on Tuesday so it is great timing!

Hotel Starship is what me and Lara’s mum Sam call Starship.  Other names include The Ship or That Place or Back There (said with dread in your voice).  When you eat, sleep, shower and live your life there thinking of it as a Hotel, as in not a permanent residence, kinda lightens the mood. 

Anyway here is hoping and praying we don’t end up ‘back there’ this week!

8 Responses to “Nervousness”

  1. Susan says:

    We will certainly be praying that Aria stays well.

  2. Jess says:

    I hope Aria doesn’t end up in ” Hotel Starship” this week too. I’m thinking of you guys with well wishes xxx 🙂

  3. Sharon says:

    Thinking of you guys and hoping you don’t need to visit there again for a while. xxxx

  4. jen says:

    Praying for you all

  5. Jodee says:

    Hi Anita
    Hope you stay out of the hotel! We used to say we were going on holiday. Friends would ask where? Where else we would say but starship! Just think when Aria is well you might actually get to go on a real holiday.
    Thinking of you all.

  6. Lisa says:

    Sorry to hear Aria is feeling alittle low at the moment. Will be hoping this passes and doesnt end up in a holiday at Hotel Starship. It is such a gloomy time of the year, Aria has done amazing well to remain as healthy as she has done so far… lets hope this continues!!
    Hope you are all keeping well and warm. Our thoughts are with you!

  7. Dawn says:

    sorry about Aria not quite being herself, will be praying for her and ya’s all. Good luck for the Doctor’s appointment tomorrow, praying for that too!!

  8. Von Derham says:

    I have a house in Detroit. I want to study at The Wise Preparatory which has a branch in Louisville. I am working as Cameraman. I am a fan of Car Racing.

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