Will it stay or will it go?
Aria’s line I am talking about… Aria’s condition must improve overnight or it is coming out 🙁
We are pretty sad about that; Aria has had that line in since she was 6 weeks old. We have had a remarkable run with it, she really should have had 3 or 4 by now. Still it will be sad to lose it if it comes to that.
However every time the powers-that-be have ‘threatened’ (for want of a better word — makes them sound menacing but they really aren’t) to remove it her condition has improved within the stated 24-hour timeframe. So we are praying God will again be gracious yet again.
Aria has been really sick this time, I think this is the sickest she has ever been. It is really hard to see her suffering. She is still a darling regardless of her hotness and general yuck feeling.
Anyway, stay tuned.
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- Hirschsprung’s disease
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Starship Children’s Health
The hospital that takes great care of Aria - The Kids Foundation of NZ
The wonderful charity that supports Aria
# 31 Aug at 11:31 pm
Susan says:Praying for you guys! Aria is an amzing wee girl!
# 1 Sep at 10:19 am
Deborah says:Praying for you Aria- and your mum and dad, get betta k!! Big hugs and kisses, Debs
# 2 Sep at 8:44 am
Nola Young says:I had a urgent need to pray for you this morning – (your time about 12.30 Sun am) Not sure if anything was happening at that time but the Lord was urging my heart to be much in prayer. had the verses from Rom 12:3,4 laid on my heart and this has become my prayer – that you will be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you know what is the Lord’s will, that good, and acceptable and perfect will of God. Not sure what is happening for you or what will happen, but do trust that you will be able to rest in deep faith that whatever happens you will be so transformed of heart and mind that you will be able to say that it is good and acceptable and perfect. “I know the plans I have for you…” “My ways are not your ways” says the Lord, but his ways are always good and perfect and by grace we can also say acceptable! Much in prayer, love Nola
# 2 Sep at 12:58 pm
Lisa says:Oh guys, we are so sorry to hear Aria hasnt imporved as of the last post. We all keep you in our thoughts. The Robertson Family.
# 15 Dec at 4:35 pm
UGG USA Store says:RSS Feeds on the blog site occasionally can not work.