1,2,3,4 and finally - Aria MacDonald

1,2,3,4 and finally

Four was the number of shots Aria had for her routine 15 months immunisations. It was not fun for her or us. She was very brave and fought pretty hard as our girl does. Unfortunately she has had a fairly rough reaction to them, very high temps last night and tonight. Poor thing, she does have it really hard sometimes. It is heartbreaking.

Today we also had our long awaited kidney tests. Part of spelling mistake in Aria’s DNA means that her bowel doesn’t function and her kidneys are small. Today’s tests will tell us how bad or good her kidneys are and this will determine when we go to transplant. So stay tuned -the big answer will be here in a few weeks.

We are nervous of course. We love NZ and transplant is a HUGE deal. But it is the only option for Aria and the only chance for her to eat and live. So we must go, but when? Well we will know soon and the pressure will be on to raise the $ we need to do this!

3 Responses to “1,2,3,4 and finally”

  1. jen says:

    praying for your sweet girl

  2. Lisa says:

    will be thinking of you as you wait for the results…. vaccinations can be tough huh…. I too have to take Mieke in for hers next week, not looking forward to that!! I hope the fundraising is still going strong. Have a wonderful and restful weekend together.

  3. Andy Moore says:

    Hey Aria, hope you’re feeling better aye. Will pray for you.

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“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11