Aria’s Wiggle
Well we have managed to stay out of hospital for a whole week!! You know things have been rough when you start to count the number of weeks rather than months in which you are home.
One of the things to come out of the hospital stay(s) was a story from one of our nurses on 26B. She was telling us there is a little 3–year–old girl who spends time on the ward and she calls her central line ‘her wiggle’. Hamish and I thought that was very sweet and decided to borrow the name for Aria’s central line since it will be awhile before she can name it herself!
Anyway giving it a fun name has made a big difference in our cares with Aria. Aria thinks her wiggle is very funny and laughs like mad when we tell her ‘mummy and daddy need your wiggle’ She points to her tummy (the end hangs by her tummy but comes from her shoulder) and she holds the end between her thumb and finger. It has made it easier to give her instructions. ‘No touching the wiggle when Mummy is using it’ She nods and smiles and leaves it be.
Not that she touches it much anyway, she has alway been really good with her tummy tube and her ‘wiggle’. There is always a risk of grabbing and giving it a pull, but she has been fine so far. In the bath we have never had a problem, she is much more interested in her bath toys and splashing mummy (I get wet but she thinks it is a riot!!). And the rest of the time it is tucked under her clothes.
Anyway — thanks for checking in on us!
4 Responses to “Aria’s Wiggle”
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- Hirschsprung’s disease
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Starship Children’s Health
The hospital that takes great care of Aria - The Kids Foundation of NZ
The wonderful charity that supports Aria
# 22 Oct at 7:44 am
jen says:“we have managed to stay out of hospital for a whole week!!”
praying this continues for a while longer
shes a good girl 🙂
U are in my thoughts and prayers
have a happy day
# 22 Oct at 2:35 pm
Dawn says:That is very Cute!! I actually when i was a student doing my paedatric placement at starship, something very similar except this parent had given an actual name to her childs central name, and just as you called it the wiggle, they called it penny….
Anyhow that’s awesome you guys have been at home for a full sustained week, and here’s hoping and praying it is the first of many to come esp with the build up to bubbs no II just being around the corner.
As always all our love, thoughts and prayers, from here in the land of oz!!
# 23 Oct at 8:03 am
Lisa says:Great to hear you guys have been home for a week, lets hope this continues into those months!! Love the name ‘wiggle’!!! Enjoy the rest of your week, hope it goes fabulous for you all!!
# 23 Oct at 9:22 pm
Steph says:That’s fantastic news! Keep up the good ‘wiggle’ Aria!