Hope dawns!!! - Aria MacDonald

Hope dawns!!!

Aria has gone 24 hours without a temp 😀

Finally, the relief is huge and we are happy and hopefully this is progress.  She is heaps perker within herself and saying new words.  Last night it was ‘wiggle’ and ‘strong’.  She is back to being cute again, waving and blowing kisses to her poster her friend from daycare made.

Today has brought a bit of bad news.  Aria’s central line burst this morning.  There was a fault with it that made it ballon with fluid when you flushed it and it finally give way.  But that can be fixed. 

Also her blood sugar is still doing crazy things and we are waiting for answers and test results.

But we are so pleased she is better even the burst wiggle doesn’t bother us to much.

Thank you so much for your support and comments and texts.  It means a HUGE amount to us.

6pm UPDATE:  Aria’s temp has been great all day.  We are waiting for The Call from Surgery for Aria to come down and get her new Wiggle.  Hoping and praying it can go in the same spot as the current one and keep her veins nice and intact.

15 Responses to “Hope dawns!!!”

  1. Steph says:

    Yay!! That is fantastic news! So pleased for wee Aria that she is feeling a lot better.
    You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
    Love Steph and family xxxx

  2. Deborah says:

    Yay praise the Lord God has worked the miracle we were praying for!! Praying that the temp stays down and that the line can be quickly and easily fixed and that BG levels will start behaving!
    Love and prayers

  3. Kate says:

    At last, we hope Aria continues to improve. Blood sugars can be such a pain. We are always thinking of you.
    Dont forget to look after yourself as well.

    The Chapmans

  4. jen says:

    continuing to pray
    its a foot in the right direction though
    Praise the Lord

  5. Ali/nerdygirl says:

    Awesome – hope it continues on the up and up today. Thinking of you all xoxoxoxoxo

  6. Gabes says:

    Thinking of you

  7. Priscilla says:

    Yay! Praise the Lord 🙂 hope Aria continues to feel better and that you, Hamish & Asher get to feel a bit more refreshed too 🙂

  8. susan says:

    yahoo!!! that’s great to read about lower temp. praying you get more answers.

  9. Dawn says:

    I can only imagine what you have had to endure, and go through!!

    I’m glad things are heading in the right direction to you guys and little Aria. hoping and praying things are heading in the right direction

    as always sending you guys all of our prayers, thoughts and love from Australia

  10. Grandad David says:

    Oh Praise God for that! Two new words? Oh how good is that? Wiggle! 🙂 That is just oh so cool! Wonderful wonderful stuff!

  11. Michelle says:

    So pleased to hear that the temp is still down. It was pretty scary there for a while! Hope everything continues to improve and you guys get to go home soon. Praying for you guys.

  12. Lisa Robertson says:

    Thinking of you all, so pleased Arias temp is down – hpe the blood sugar levels stabilise for you now too. Wishing wee Aria all the best with the surgery for the new wiggle. Take care of you all, you are doing amazing….heres to being home soon!

  13. Helma says:

    Thanks for finding time to update everyday! Praise the Lord for this improvement. We will continue to pray for you all and especially for Aria. May the Lord grant you peace. The Sonnevelds

  14. Ali/nerdygirl says:

    Yay thanks four the update. Love you guys heaps.

  15. Brian and Sandra says:

    Yes! The power of prayer!!! This news is wonderful!

    Lots of love,

    Brian, Sandra, Nicole and Megan

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