No rest for the…. - Aria MacDonald

No rest for the….

…wicked.   I am not sure we are wicked but weary perhaps.  Definitely weary and sick.  Hamish, myself and now Asher are sick.  The most healthy person in the house is Aria!!  Poor Ashie has an ear and throat infection so we whisked him off to the Docs for some ABX.

Some of you will know Matisse.   She is very special to us and is awaiting bowel transplant in the US.  They had a near miss today on an organ.  They give you a call to say you might be up for transplant and they will call back later.  Can you imagine that!?  Today wasn’t the day for Matisse but hugs to the Reid family and Matisse.  It blows my mind to be living under that kinda pressure but it will be us one day soon.

Thank you for all your kind words and offers of support.  I would like to say things are rosy now but they aren’t, particulary now Asher is sick.  But this verse just popped into my head “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matt 11:28.  Gods knows me so well, this is so what I need.

7 Responses to “No rest for the….”

  1. Jodee & Matisse says:

    Thanks for your support Anita. For those of you who don’t know me I am Matisse’s mum (mentioned in today’s post). Anita and I became friends soon after Aria was born and have helped each other through some tough times. At the moment you know emotionally things are tough for Anita and Hamish and many of you are probably wondering what you can do to help. I thought I would let you know the things that help me when I am feeling like they are:
    1/ Don’t ask them what they need because they are not likely to tell you (its that kiwi pride thing).
    1/ Do make them a meal and drop it off. If you don’t want to intrude call or email them and tell them to leave a chilly bin outside for you to leave it in. Meals are a life saver especially now that they are not feeling well. This can also be done randomly – it does not have to be when Aria is sick – everyday is tough even the good days.
    3/ If you live near by and are at the supermarket call Anita and ask if she needs anything. Sometimes even getting to the store to get the basics is a chore.
    4/ If you are a regular visitor to their house and know them well don’t ask if you can do anything -just do it. Haul out the vacuum cleaner and tell Anita you are not leaving until you have hoovered. Find the laundry and fold some washing. When you have a child on TPN your floors and bathrooms need to be especially clean yet these are usually the last things we have time to get too. Even doing the dishes is a big help or just making them a drink or some lunch.
    I know this sounds like an invasion of their privacy but honestly in a situation like ours you feel like there is no privacy left and the little things make a big difference.
    Wish I could help you more Anita and Hamish! Hugs to Aria and Asher.

  2. Ali/nerdygirl says:

    I wish I lived closer, Anita. I think about you guys all the time – you might not feel it right now but you are an amazing woman.

    Love heaps,

    Ali xoxo

  3. jen says:

    praying you get better soon


  4. Dawn says:

    can i shed a little light into the maybe about getting a transplant and call you later.

    I work in Australia and we do alot of heart transplants. When and organ becomes available, the donor coordinator hands over to the recipent coordinator who either accepts or rejects the organ. they are given alot of information including blood types, size of hte person and a whole host of other information. The recipent coordinator might have three people on the list with that blood grouping and so may call all of them saying it might be available, and the reason is they need to run further tests on the donor organs, and look at antibodies and antigens and CMV status etc, rejection is a big huge deal let alone if the antibodies are incompatible

    also while all of this is going on, a retrevial tam are sent to retrieve the organ from wherever, while these tests are all being run. And Surgeons have been known to get to the body and reject an organ once the donor is opened up, based on how it appears anatomy whatever medical reason is done.

    There’s about 10 things oging on at once, and if we waited till the surgeons had visualised the organs and retrived them and all the appropriate tests were run there wouldn’t be enough time for someone to be fasted and prepared and into the hospital etc. We’ve had people in the hospital and started working them up and got the antibodies back, and we couldn’t transplant the organ into that person.

    There’s a viability per organ or what’s called an ischemic time how long they can be out of the body before it’s not worth putting them in.

    So while it seems harsh saying maybe there’s an organ maybe they’ll get a transplant, if it’s anything like how it happens here, there is method in the madness, and often people looking in from the outside don’t know the coordination required and the process it can seem like a bit of an unfair system.

    but this is explained to all our patients on the transplant waiting list and i imagine it will be similar there. So hopefully this is a little bit of insight to what goes on in transplant and look it’s only very brief the process is alot more detailed and involved than this

  5. Ali/nerdygirl says:

    I don’t think Anita was questioning the systems, just saying that getting that “maybe” call would be a huge emotional upheaval!

  6. Dawn says:

    i don’t think she was either, but those who aren’t aware of the system can be looking at it thinking omg what the!!,

  7. Steph van G says:

    Thinking of you guys. Matt 11:28 – definitely very appropriate here.

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“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11