Aria is doing well - Aria MacDonald

Aria is doing well

Seems as though it has been a whole week since the last update!  Time flys right?

Aria is doing really well.  She is so proud of her walking and ‘no hands standing’.  She likes to try to stand up without holding on to anything and she is so so proud of herself!  Aria is saying lots of words, Mummy, blue, red, Ashie, poppa, Tiv (her cousin), toast, Aunty and lots of another words that escape me right now. 

She loves her letters.  She can recognised and sound out M, D, S, T, N, P, O, J, B.  She sits on the computer and types the letters.  She loves too sit and ‘read’ the newspaper and point too all the letters she knows.  When she sees an M and yells Mummy!!  She can also read her name and the names of the rest of the family.  So cute.

4 Responses to “Aria is doing well”

  1. Lisa Robertson says:

    Aria sure is a smart cookie!!! Glad to hear all is going well, hope you are all feeling much better and over your flu’s now.
    Hope you are enjoying a lovely week together!

  2. jen says:

    WTG!!! what a clever girl 🙂

  3. Ali/nerdygirl says:

    Ah so cool!! Thanks for keeping us updated.

    Lots of love,

    Ali xoxoxoxo

  4. Steph says:

    How gorgeous! What a clever wee girl you have there. It is great to hear that things are going so well.

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“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11