Difficult days - Aria MacDonald

Difficult days

Aria and I ventured back into Starship for another dressing change.  It was awful.  She pretty much screamed the place down which isn’t surprising as most two year olds would.  We have to hold her down so she doesn’t grab or move and she hates it.  Plus there was an injection as well just the cherry on the top!

It is really difficult to deal with and you just walk away drained and emotional.  It is my policy is never to cry in front of Aria or hospital staff no matter how tough things are.  I just feel I don’t want it to become about me and I need to be strong for Aria and have the staff fully focused on her not the weaping mother.  Today was hard though and I nearly cracked.  I don’t think that she is actually in pain except for the injection when she signed ‘ouchie’ to me.  She is just angry.  And that is fair enough. 

She did well though and was happy as larry as we left and told Daddy all about it when we popped in to see him at work. 

In those tough moments God seems very far away.  It is a test of faith really, He holds on tight to me and for that I am grateful.

5 Responses to “Difficult days”

  1. Samantha says:

    Oh man – you could have been talking about my day with Lara! I so understand. Lara had her dressing changed by one of our shared nurses and screamed and cried and nearly pulled the tube out with her thrashing. I didn’t get home till 8pm and feel totally drained and sad like you. Many many hugs to you xxxx

  2. Anita MacDonald says:

    Our girls do it tough! As do us mums! Hugs back to you my friend. Got to feel for C and K to- we kept them busy today !!

  3. jen says:

    oh dear poor Aria
    is it possible and do you pray before the treatment starts
    ask Him to be right right there with you
    your all in my thoughts and prayers

  4. Jodee & Matisse says:

    Our house sounds like the house of horrors on dressing change day – Matisse can shatter windows with her scream. You are right I think it is frustration more than pain.

  5. Natalie says:

    I feel you hun, just being there is draining enough. It was horrible going in for Astons EEG, I wanted to cry when we were trying to get him to sleep as he fought the sedation for ages, I dont know how you do it all the time.
    Hugest hugs to you xoxo

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