Better than we first thought…. or not - Aria MacDonald

Better than we first thought…. or not

Turns out the blood test this morning was wrong, the transfusion actually did help and her HB is up to 81 which is still well below normal, but is not entirely unsual for Aria. It is less than they expected it to be post top-up  but its better than having no change.

Even with the improved test they have kept Aria in because of concerns over her laboured breathing.

Also on the blood front they have some concerns over her albumin levels which are getting pretty low. The albumin keeps the fluids in the veins and stops it leaking out into the rest of the body. Aria’s tummy is bigger than normal so we wonder if there might be some leakage there…. who knows.

Anyway they are going to look at doing a albumin top up tomorrow, though it does add more strain on the kidneys that we are trying to avoid because of the kidney issues. Yes its complex and a little unclear what is going on.

We’ve also got a virus swab pending which may shed some light on things……

Anyway, long frustrating day, hopefully tomorrow is a little clearer.

Pray for Anita as she does the night shift tonight that she gets some good rest. I’m aiming to work tomorrow if things go smoothly overnight…. Anita is such a trooper!

Thanks for the prayers and keep it up please.

2 Responses to “Better than we first thought…. or not”

  1. Steph says:

    Hoping and praying that Aria improves very soon. Also praying for strength for you all as you continue to have a pretty stressful winter! xx

  2. Tiffany says:

    I’m glad to hear that things are better than what was first thought, but I hope her doctors find out why she’s been so ill, post swine flu!

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