A trip to Star - Aria MacDonald

A trip to Star

Yesterday Aria and I went to ‘Star’ for a clinic appointment.  Aria was very excited, I think it might be the highlight of her week.  She is so funny, she plans a big list of all the things she is going to tell Dr E.  It included counting, spelling her name, big NuNu little NuNu, Ashie, preschool etc etc.

We got of the motorway and drove up the hill.  Aria yelled from the back seat ‘Aria sees it! Aria sees Star YAY WooHoo!!”  ‘That way Mummy’.  Honestly, it was so funny. She was so excited.

But of course, she is funny, and gets all shy when we actually get to clinic and had a bit of a meltdown about lying down for Dr E to look at her tummy.  So we needed up lying on the floor with a pillow a certain way.  She was pretty good after that though.

We had to go up to the ward to do monthly bloods because we wanted to avoid the drama of the Labtest change over.  It’s precious blood and don’t want them losing it cause they aren’t organised.  We talked about visiting Baby Sam and she was excited about that but again got all shy when we went in.

Overally it was an exhausting experience and we didn’t get home until 3pm which is quite late considering clinic was at 11am!

No news on funding except that it is held up in the process for various reasons.  It is annoying and a waiting game but we continue wait and trust in God’s timing.

4 Responses to “A trip to Star”

  1. Samantha Sutherland says:

    I love how happy she is about going to hospital – this is one of the good things in life! Aren’t kids amazing.

  2. Tiffany says:

    That is so funny! At least Aria wasn’t going to Star because she was sick again. That had to be a blessing! I pray that you get to come to Omaha very soon!

  3. Dawn says:

    As always, all our love thoughts and prayers from here in australia. ONce again we stand untied with you in prayer, for a result on the funding situation…

  4. Fiona says:

    Hi- have just read your story- you ar obviously amazing people- and what an amazing little treasure you have there. I love that you are trusting God through all this- it is hard to see His hand in some situations- but He is good- and you obviously know that. Blessings to you all

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“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11