103! 103! 103! - Aria MacDonald

103! 103! 103!

Finally Aria’s iron or haemoglobin is 103 after her blood transfusion!  This is great news because after her tranfusion three weeks ago it only jumped to 78.

Bad news though that she still has a little temp and she can’t go home until she has 24hours with no temp.  Considering there is no idea or other symptoms as to what is causing we wonder how it is going to be treated and fixed.  She is on antibiotics but who knows if she is on the right one because we don’t know what bugs we are treating.  BUT Dr E did give her leave so we can go to Aria’s cousin’s Tre 1st birthday party on Saturday arvo.

We were hoping she would perk up after the transfusion but she hasn’t really.  She is more chatty and her colour is better.  But not walking or very happy about life.

I got a text last night to tell me Aria’s article was the top viewed on stuff.co.nz.  That was nice.

Things are pretty average for us right now.  Aria is sick and has been for many weeks now.  She hasn’t fully recovered from Swine Flu or at least it really knocked her.  Hopefully this will be the beginning of her feeling better and getting back to full strength.

Thanks for your support, we really appreciate your comments and prayers.

11 Responses to “103! 103! 103!”

  1. Nicole says:

    Praying she gets better soon!

  2. Ruth says:

    Hi Anita,
    Glad to hear her haemoglobin is up so high, that’s awesome and really hope she perks up soon and truly does get all her strength back. Thinking of you and Praying also. I will try to remember to be praying as you have your prayer meeting on Sunday also!
    Bless you!

  3. Steph van Garderen says:

    Great news. Glad to hear she’s improving, but also thinking and praying for you all as she is still not 100%. xx

  4. Lori Hollingsworth says:

    I’m so sorry you continue to have to fight this! We’re praying for you all!!!!!!!!! Great news story btw…!

  5. Helma says:

    Great photo from Aria and her family. Praying for you all. Psalm 121:1,2 I lift my eyes to the hills-where does my help come from?.My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

  6. Deborah says:

    Hey, glad Hb is up so high but praying that it makes a real difference and that those nasty bugs can go away. Looking forward to prayer meeting on Sunday. xx

  7. Fiona says:

    Hey there- good news- and I’m sure the rest will follow- getting that haemoglobin up must make a difference. I know its easy to say when we are not walking your walk-but keep hanging onto God- He loves you all- more than you even realise.

  8. Ali and Bella says:

    All of our love to your family. Hugs and kisses and love and light to you all.

  9. Shirley Davy says:

    It was lovely to see you last night…. but just a shame we meet on the ward! I’m on tomorrow night, so if you’re still in (praying you’re not tho!), and once Aria/Sam asleep and if you have the energy, it would be great to pray together…. knowing the Lord sees every tear that falls…. and if you don’t have the energy and just need to chill out, know you guys are a tangible encouragement to us ….. with thanks and love and prayers, Room 5!

  10. Tiffany says:

    I’m glad to hear that her numbers are up again! I pray God will give you all strength to keep going, & to keep hoping!

  11. edd & joyce says:

    Thinking about Aria from PoiPet in Cambodia, that the lord will raise her up from this set back and provide all that she needs for continued health and strenghth. The future is in the lord’s hands and his promises are yea and amen in jesus christ. Hallelujah, Jesus Christ is Lord.

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