Stink - Aria MacDonald


This the word that my text messages to Hamish had started with this morning.  Things with Aria’s temp were looking good yesterday and last night.  We had nearly qualified for the magic 24 hours with no temp until this morning at 7am and it went back up to 38 and seems to have setttled there 🙁

So that is a real shame and means the ABX probably haven’t done their thing when it was looking like they had.

We are still hoping to get to Tre’s birthday today, hopefully it is still possible although Aria isn’t in a party mood.

Tomorrow if you live in Auckland and have a spare half hour we have having a prayer meeting at the Bracefield’s house at 3pm 30 Hilltop Drive.  To bring some things before God in a corporate setting.  Would love for you to join us.

3 Responses to “Stink”

  1. Ali/nerdygirl says:

    Much love. Life really stinks sometimes.

  2. Lori Hollingsworth says:

    Can’t be there….but will be praying with you in spirit!!!!!

  3. Tiffany says:

    I would love to be there with you, tp pray with you, but I’m from Michigan, & won’t be ale to get there. I want you to know that I pray for Aria (& your entire family) every night! I pray the doctors can help Aria somehow, so she feels much better! I wish there was something I could do for Aria myself! May God continue to give you strength!

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“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11