Birthday fun…. - Aria MacDonald

Birthday fun….

Aria’s temperature continues to murmur away, they are thinking of changing the antibiotics to see if it makes a difference. It’s a little hard to manage an illness when you don’t know what is causing it.

Dr E. suggested that best fix for Aria is some replacement parts, and that she is working hard on that front. Also on that front we have our special prayer meeting to pray about funding etc this afternoon at 3pm @ 30 Hilltop Drive. Feel free to come along.

Yesterday Aria got a leave pass to go along to her cousin Tre’s 1st birthday party. They had a mobile farmyard there with all sorts of animals, Aria was very excited about going to the party.

I think her favourite was when a little kid (of the baby goat variety) came up to her while she was ‘eating’ her party food. She thought it was very funny. The other highlight of the afternoon was the time she and Asher spent with one of their other cousins, Venisio. The three of them spent some time together talking about their favourite things and Aria was very amused when Asher was copying Venisio as he showed all the clever, crazy, adventerous things little boys like to do.

It’s great to see the bond the kids have developed with their cousins, they seem to have developed a good bond. Another example is a nice little moment when Tivoli, Aria’s oldest cousin was protective of Aria when another girl was making a big deal about Aria’s special additions. Leaving the extended family is probably going to be the hardest and saddest part of going to transplant. Hopefully with the wonders of the internet we can keep in touch and keep the familial ties strong.

One Response to “Birthday fun….”

  1. Tiffany says:

    I’m glad to hear that Aria had fun at her cousin’s birthday party! It’s so sweet that Tivoli was protective of her! Yeah, that would be hard to leave your family behind, but just know that you have at least one friend in the states (even though I’m in Michigan) who is praying for you!

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“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11