And back we go! - Aria MacDonald

And back we go!

Yesterday morning I was sure that we were on top of whatever is troubling Aria.  However since yesterday arvo she has continued to spike temps and this morning woke up in a foul mood.  Her colour is also really pale and strange.

So we rang Starship and told them and they have asked us to re-present at ED.  Sucky.  This time we will be there for up to 2 weeks.  Previously they were trying one dose at a time of Gent to see if that did the trick.  It helped but it didn’t kick it.   If Aria has a perfect temp for a period of time we might be able to finish the course of ABX at home, but at the moment we aren’t leaving until this is fully sorted. 🙁

4 Responses to “And back we go!”

  1. Bill & Delwyn says:

    Oh dear. We will pray that they get to the bottom of it. Meantime chin up. If we can help in any way we are just round the corner, so let us know. Seriously, let us know
    Bill and Delwyn

  2. Jessica says:

    sorry to hear that Anita – my thoughts will be with you. do you know when you guys are leaving for the US yet?

  3. Tony says:

    Will continue to pray for you all. These are indeed challenging times and we need God’s strength and comfort to endure.
    In Christ
    The Bracefields

  4. Sarah L says:

    🙁 Hugs

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