Dropping down… - Aria MacDonald

Dropping down…

Aria’s blood count appears to have started to drop again… not so long ago we were celebrating triple digits, now it is down to 73. This would explain why Aria is a bit tired at the moment. This is possibly a side effect of the infection that is dogging her, and with her not being able to make more blood cells easily, it is always a cause for concern.

Aria’s temperature has been a little spiky today, she’s had 2 doses of the new antibiotic so hopefully it will start to work its magic soon.

We had to stay in at hospital today, unable to pop home on day leave. This is a bit disappointing because it is easier to entertain Aria at home than at hospital. Asher and Anita came in and we had some family time. Asher loves the lifts, and going into other peoples rooms to have a nosey…. crazy little feller.

Anita and Aria are having sleep overs tonight, one prayer we always appreciate is for a good nights sleep for whoever is staying with Aria, sometimes the nights can be very interrupted.

We’ll keep everyone posted, and hopefully we’ll have some good news come tomorrow.

3 Responses to “Dropping down…”

  1. Helma says:

    Thanks for the update.
    We will pray for a good sleep for Anita and Aria!
    Blessings on all of you, the Sonnevelds

  2. Deborah says:

    Continuing to pray that new antibiotics work really fast and for a good sleep for all tonight


  3. Tiffany says:

    Poor Aria! I wish there was something I could do to help her! I will pray that you get a very good night’s sleep!

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“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11