God is good! - Aria MacDonald

God is good!

Wow what a huge day we’ve had.

We were pretty nervous this morning about the huge day we had ahead of us. We had a film crew following us all day, and in the middle of that a WINZ appointment to see if we could cope with me finishing work sometime soon.

Now at the end of the day, not only have we survived but we have seen God go before us to make the day a great success.  Filming with the crew from Attitude TV went great. They were very nice and professional, they also had a great empathy for our story. Aria did really well, she wasn’t too intimidated by the crew and she did some lovely little things that showed off her personality really well.

The highlight of the filming for Anita and I was when Asher came home from being with JoJo at the Little Playhouse. The two of them were sitting on the couch and Aria was just pouring out her love on Asher. She was showing him the pictures we had drawn, having try on the bracelet she had made at preschool and asking for cuddles and kisses. It had me and Anita who were standing off to one side melting inside about how sweet they were and how much they love each other.

The other great experience that we had today was our WINZ visit. We had been praying hard that the person that we would speak with would be understanding to where we are at. When we went in there we met a lovely lady who sought to understand our situation and was willing to listen and help as much as she could. We were so grateful that it went as well as it did.

All in all a great (and exhausting) day, one which leads to say God is good.

6 Responses to “God is good!”

  1. Lisa Robertson says:

    Fantastic!!! You do really have lovely children!
    Hopefully WInz will come back to you with the answers your family need right now. Have a lovely evening! Its been a big day!

  2. Steph VG says:

    That is wonderful news! What an action-packed day you’ve had! God is so good indeed! xxx

  3. Tiffany says:

    I’m so glad the day went well for you! Aww…such a cute story about Aria & Asher!

  4. Jessica says:


  5. Samantha Sutherland says:

    I love hearing news like this! Prayers so work! These are the little gifts which keep you going!

  6. Sam Seccombe says:

    Hello from Japan!

    So glad to hear the filming went well,and to hear of the love and special moments between Asher and Aria. How sweet!

    I hope you had a good time together as a couple and didn’t just collapse in a tired heap together!

    We pray for you everyday and send you our love!!!!

    Martin, Sam, Raffie, Elijah Georgie and Talitha.

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“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11