No news really is good news! - Aria MacDonald

No news really is good news!

There is nothing to report but an update on our life over the past week.

Aria is really well at the moment and we finished the last ABX dose yesterday morning. YAY!  Two extra hours on the pump every day was a pain for her and us.  But we are really pleased that she is so well.  Lots of walking and talking and happiness.  YAY!  She is very yellow though, but we try not to notice.

We have been away this weeks at the Jansens house in Grey Lynn which they were very kind to let us stay at while our house is being prepared for painting by our friend Martin who has done a completely amazing job.  We are painting Aria’s room, she picked THIS colour, which is actually pretty cool and is called Manukau.  We would love to paint her room that colour but best we stick to the neutral colour since we are hoping to rent our house out soon.

Also we are off to the Dorothy the Dinosaur Show tomorrow!  The kids are huge Wiggles fans and are really excited.  Aria is watching Popping Popcorn at the moment thanks to a parcel of goodies my dad sent over. Aria loves popcorn but can’t eat it, at the moment anyway 🙂

8 Responses to “No news really is good news!”

  1. Jessica says:

    pleased you have had a great week 🙂

  2. Shirley Davy says:

    Am SO pleased you’ve had a hospital free week! Enjoy the show and getting the house done…. well done. Will send you an email. X Shirl

  3. Tiffany says:

    I’m so glad to hear that Aria is doing well! You could always paint purple flowers on one wall of her room, that way she gets the color she wants, but it doesn’t take up the entire room & you can paint over them when you have to. I bet that Aria & Asher will love the show! God Bless!

  4. Nola Young says:

    Sounds exciting about the house painting – cant wait to see it. something we didn’t get around to doing!!!

    Love Nola

  5. Sarah L says:

    so much wiser than us… good that you have somewhere to stay while you get the house done!

  6. Christine says:

    Hi Anita,

    I’m really pleased to hear you’ve all had a great week. It’s been a tough year so am glad there’s finally been some relief for you. Hope you have more weeks like this! 😀

  7. Laura Kindley says:


    Tell Aria that I am going to be REALLY jealous when shes allowed to eat popcorn!

    my love to you all.

    Love Laura

  8. Steph van Garderen says:

    Great to hear you’re all having a good week. Also, thinking of Hamish as he finishes up with FPF. Must feel weird! xx

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