Cute Aria on the TV - Aria MacDonald

Cute Aria on the TV

Aria thought it was really funny to see herself on the TV.  She had this cute smile and giggled when she saw the different things she was doing.  It was a lovely piece.  You can see if HERE if you missed it.

Thanks for all the texts, phone calls and Facebook messages.   Some people have asked why Aria website wasn’t aired and right now we don’t understand why either.  Hamish and I both thought this would happen from conservations we had.  Obviously we are disappointed and unsure about what happened.

Right now we will enjoy the new site and we are still thankful that Aria’s sudden increase in yellowness was drug related and reversable not TPN related.  Phew!

8 Responses to “Cute Aria on the TV”

  1. Kat says:

    Our family loved watching Aria to 🙂 My girls know all about Aria so it was nice for them to see something on her and understand a little more.

    God Bless.

  2. Sarah says:

    Loving the new site! Yay that the current increase in yellowness was drug related and reversable as you said. Praying God gets things moving for you very soon.

  3. Steph VG says:

    Fantastic new site! Loved seeing Aria and all of you on TV. You were all fabulous and really got your message across. Also glad to hear that her yellowness was drug related!
    God is so good! xx

  4. Fiona says:

    it was great to see the programme- and be able to put faces to names! it was lovely- hope and pray that more than just good will comes from it. looking forward to hearing of the green light happening!!

  5. Paulla Gillam says:

    wow watching aria on tv was almost like meeting her in real life. i have been watching and praying along with everyone else for this brave little girl and her equally brave family.

    i love the new website too but what happened to her photo? we need to see her smiles as she travels along her journey of life.

    kia kaha little girl
    be forever strong

  6. Sharon McBain says:

    I so love your new site real eye catcher. I sat and watch aria ad family on tv today and it brought tears to my eyes with the thought that the government are taking so long in sorting money out for the trip that little is the one to suffer i only prayer that it all can be sorted out really soon and theat she can start the journey to a much happier live my thoughts are with you all. Love Sharon xxoo

  7. Gordon & Coralie McLay says:

    Great to “meet” you all via the TV interview. God has His purposes why things do and don’t happen, so rest in Him and He’ll continue leading in His ways. Thank you for sharing and we continue uplifting you all through this unsettling time.

    Greetings from the South,
    Gordon, Coralie & family

  8. Tiffany says:

    It was so nice to put all the faces with the names! I’m also glad to hear that her increase in yellowness can be reversed. I didn’t get to see her on TV, but thanks to the link you put up, I got to see the whole interview! I pray that everything comes together soon!

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