A little upswing perhaps? - Aria MacDonald

A little upswing perhaps?

Anita and I are at home again tonight, might be the last time for a long, long time….

Anyway we are hearing reports from Nana and Auntie Megan that Aria is chatting and laughing and showing a bit of the personality that we know and love.

This is pretty exciting because we haven’t seen too much of the ‘old’ Aria lately, really hoping this is a turn for the better in her.

Also adding to the hope is an increase in the outputs from her tummy in the last 24hours which is normally a good sign, and we can actually detect ankles now….. the strange things that excite us.

Just thought I would update you all and ask that the prayers keep coming for Aria’s health.

Don’t forget the thanksgiving service/farewell tomorrow at Covenant, we’d love to see you all.

5 Responses to “A little upswing perhaps?”

  1. Bill & Delwyn says:

    How wonderful that things seem a little more positive for you all. Yayyy to Nana and Auntie Megan that you can spend some couple time together. Looking forward to wishing you well tomorrow at the farewell but sad we shan’t see you for a while. But then again looking forward to the reports from Omaha on how things go there.
    Love from Bill and Delwyn and our families.

  2. Shirl says:

    It will be with mixed emotions saying goodbye tomorrow – you’ve been such an encouragement to me and I shall really miss you… but so glad you are going… and we look forward to continuing reading and praying through your blog. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. X

  3. Andrew says:

    Really delighted to hear of this improvement. Wish we could be with you this afternoon to commend you all to the Lord as you undertake the great venture before you. Be assured that we will be praying for you today as we worship here in Wyndham, and in the days ahead. You are very precious to us.

    Nola sends her love as always.

  4. Tiffany says:

    I pray that Aria continues to do better! I’m so glad to hear that she was feeling a little bit more like herself!

  5. Samantha Sutherland says:

    What a great post! I’m glad Aria is having some up time. Can’t wait to hear your first post from Omaha, I know you desperately need to be there and you will feel so much relief to be in the hands of the team who can help Aria the most. We will miss you terribly so will be waiting for every post you make on updates!

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“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11