Omaha!!!! - Aria MacDonald


We are here!!!!!

Asher and I spent the night at the hospital accom and hamish and aria are at hospital. No idea where I have to find them. Praying Ham got some sleep.

The last flight was pretty hairy and we were SO tired. Thankfully some very dear new friends Randy and Elaine picked us up and didn’t leave us until 2 am !!! They us showed us at the airport thankfully because I thought we were sorted by when our flight changed we were stuck. Praise God.

It is snowing in Omaha !!! worst snow in 5 years apparently. God knew when we needed to leave cause another day would of seen us stuck.

We are so tired. But God is great and SO SO went before us. Lots to tell when I get to a computer and not typing with one finger on my iPod.

15 Responses to “Omaha!!!!”

  1. Viv says:

    So thrilled to hear all the progress reports – and that you’ve arrived safely. Keep on keeping on.

  2. christine macdonald says:

    So pleased you have all arrived safely, God’s timing is great

  3. Gordon & Coralie McLay says:

    God’s timing is always perfect…great that you’ve arrived safely and have been blessed with new friends to support you physically…be encouraged as you travel this new road…thanks too for taking time to update…be blessed today


  4. Jo says:

    Stoked to hear you have arrived safely and are settling in slowly. Hope Aria is ok and not to exhausted from the flights. Look forward to your next update 🙂

  5. Lori Hollingsworth says:

    Yea!! Praise God! Have been thinking of you constantly! I’m sure you were SO tired you didn’t even mind the hard beds at the Lied. ha Yes, we will eagerly await your next update with more details…hoping Aria made it ok, and is resting comfortably. Welcome to the MID-WEST!!!!

  6. Rebecca says:

    Yay! How exciting! It is hard to believe after all this time that you are finally there! So glad that the trip was uneventful. And so happy that your new friends were there to help you. Prayers that you will now get some rest.

  7. Brian and Sandra Ready says:

    Great stuff! So happy to hear of your safe arrival:-)
    Love to all.

  8. Samantha Sutherland says:

    Well done on your safe arrival – you must be so exhausted, but relieved to be there. Looking forward to your next update!

  9. Shirl says:

    Wonderful! Looking forward to hearing about it when you get time… for now we hope you GET SOME REST and reassurance as you meet the US medical team. Lots of love and prayers. X

  10. Lisa Robertson says:

    your one finger typing is pretty good! So thrilled you are there safely. xxxxx

  11. Nyle says:

    Its a long haul but you are where you need to be now. Aria is in the best hands all round. Cant wait to hear your next post with news of meeting the mediacl team. Hope you got some sleep also and are ready for the new day.

  12. Lauren says:

    So glad you have arrived safely!

  13. Cork and Carol B. says:

    We were at the airport last night to meet the 10:20 flight from Denver, but alas, you were not on it. We didn’t know for sure what to do….so we just prayed that God would take care of you and He did with your new friends!! Praise Him! Do call when you have had a little more sleep and we would love to help you out with anything!! SO glad that you are here safely! Blessings to you all!

  14. Jodee Reid says:

    Wahoo – glad you made it. The internal flights are the worst!
    Call or text me when you get a chance.

  15. Tiffany says:

    I’m glad to know that you are in Omaha now!

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“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11