A slow news day… but a nice day none the less - Aria MacDonald

A slow news day… but a nice day none the less

As you can probably tell from the lack of updates in the last few days, life is pretty uneventful at the moment.

I guess the big news is that Aria got a blood transfusion yesterday which put her back on the Status One list for another week. This is good as it increases the chances of getting organs and it keeps her in PICU so we don’t have to wrestle with the logistics of Aria staying in our room for another week at least.

Apart from this the last 24 hours has seen Anita and I have chances to get out and about. We have spent time out with our friends Carol and Cordell at their house, they are letting our family stay their and are wonderfully gracious hosts. We’ve also been able to do some grocery shopping and do some other shopping with various people. It has been nice doing things as a couple without the kids, or even with Asher tagging along.

Another privilege we had to enjoy was going to church together this morning at Life Springs Church. It was great to meet some people who have been busy praying for us and have the opportunity to thank them in person. It is really interesting to hear how Aria continues to touch people’s hearts.

Finally we went to the Outback Steakhouse tonight, it’s an Australian themed restaurant they have here in the USA. It’s not all that Australian for those familiar with Australia but it was familiar enough to give us a bit of a tug on our hearts. I got to have a genuine New Zealand Rack of Lamb, it was really good to have some home-like food. Anita and I both agreed that it was the best food we’ve had here so far.

We’ve been enabled to do these things because of our family’s presence here and their willingness to help us out. Aria is very nice to us, letting us go out and taking care of Nana and Poppa and Auntie for us. Aria seems to enjoy having the family here and like showing them around. The family is also very brave helping Aria out through her procedures too, I think that Aria understands that it isn’t their area of expertise and makes an extra effort to be good, she is very thoughtful like that.

Anywho, we continue to hope and pray that Organs will come while the family is here, but we know that they will come at the right time, family or no family.

8 Responses to “A slow news day… but a nice day none the less”

  1. Ali says:

    What a wee trooper your Aria is, you must be soo proud of her 🙂

  2. Samantha Sutherland says:

    So happy to hear you are getting out and about. A bit of a life is good for you guys! Nice for you to be able to make new friends too.

  3. jen says:

    glad things are going good at the mo
    continuing to pray for the organs

  4. Kathleen and Anita says:

    So nice to have that update. Great you had a normal sunday and that it included a meal out! The lamb sounds yummy. Heres hoping this week is a good one for Aria and you all. We send love to you four and the visiting family members.

  5. Lori Hollingsworth says:

    So glad you have been able to be with C&C more….and also LS Church!! No news….is GOOD news, however, we’re still anxiously awaiting some “organ news!” Love you guys…..

  6. Tiffany Keller says:

    Aria is such a sweetie & a trooper! I’m glad to hear that you had time by yourselves, & that you enjoyed the food! I’m glad to hear that you’ve found a supportive church to go to, while you’re living in the U.S.!

  7. Mark and Jo says:

    Praise God for good slow news days and family and friends 🙂

  8. joyce says:

    So glad you have new friends Cordell and Carol who must be special folks to take your family in.To be in a strange place it must help tremendously to have people like them who care so much. God bless them.I continue to pray for the organs to come real soon.
    It is so good to see God’s hand in your life and Aria’s.

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