Back to the OR - Aria MacDonald

Back to the OR

UPDATE: Aria is out of theater again, they fixed a number of minor bleeds. The Surgeon reports that her new organs are looking very good and starting to work- an improvement from when they first closed her up. She will still need one more surgery to clean up the abdominal cavity. This will happen in the next 48hrs most likely.

Please pray for Aria and her surgeon (who has done a long all night op).

She is bleeding a lot and they need to open her up and take a look.  They were going to do that anyway but it is sooner than expected.

Aria woke up a bit and looked at us and reached her arms up.  She looked a little confused and upset but ok.  She is AMAZING to me.  So beautiful and lovely.

Aria is stable and all her vitals are good, so she is doing well.  Just needing to keep her that way.

Will keep you posted

41 Responses to “Back to the OR”

  1. Kim says:

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you all and we are so happy little Aria has received her gift. Best wishes Kim (TC’s aunt)and family xx

  2. Bec Breen says:

    Thank you so much for keeping us updated. Love you all. Prayin hard.

  3. Megan says:

    Thinking of you all constantly.

  4. Linda Crosbie says:

    I am crying buckets of tears of joy for Aria and you all. Also some of sorrowfor the family that have given the gift of organs. Much love to you all and now praying for Aria’s recovery.

  5. Lauren says:

    Will keep praying for Aria and you guys.

  6. Priscilla says:

    Aria is doing incredibly well and is amazing just like you guys 🙂 Praying..

  7. Maurice and Barbara says:

    Thank you, Lord, for the surgeons’ skill and stamina. May Aria’s body respond well to this second need for surgery. Rest in the Lord, Hamish, Anita, and family, all.
    May the donor family have comfort and peace.

  8. Haz and Roi says:

    Continually praying, She is so strong! you guys are always in our prayers.

  9. John& Kay says:

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. God bless you and keep you all. Praying and thinking of the donor family, may God grant them His peace.

  10. Gordon & Coralie McLay says:

    Hamish and Anita,

    Thank you so much for keeping all up to date. It’s been a long haul and GOd has walked through there with you…leading you in HIS timing and way. We thank Him with you though for this latest answer to prayer on transplanted organs…we pray that Aria will continue healing and growing in Him. We pray too for the grieving family that obviously had a loss too but may God work through this as well. Our prayers and love continue to reach out to you for God’s purposes.

    With blessings today
    McLay family

  11. Samantha Sutherland says:

    Keeping Aria in my thoughts and prayers as she returns to surgery. I know this must be so difficult for you. Hugs xxx

  12. Laura & Bernie says:

    thinking and praying for you all, big hugs

  13. Kate E says:

    Hope she gets better soon. Been thinking of her all night.

  14. David & Jill Marshall says:

    We are still praying here in Hamilton NZ

  15. jen says:

    I was busy yesterday and oh my what a lot has taken place since I visited last

    I am feeling quite emotional about our girl – I hope you dont mind me calling her that

    I have just read Lindas comment and im pleased Im not the only one 🙂

    Its finally all beginning to happen

    oh thank you God

    Im praying for you all
    Im praying for her donors family
    Im praying for the doctors
    Im praying for Aria
    Oh Lord pull her though this . . . such a brave remarkable young girl

    will be back later today to see if theres any updates


    Kia Kaha – stay strong

  16. Anna Smart says:

    Sending as much love and prayer your way as humanly possible, and thinking of you every second. xxx

  17. Sandie Coupe says:

    wonderful news our thoughts are with you all.

  18. Rolf and Helen says:

    Our thoughts have never strayed, but we are upping the ante as she goes back to theatre. Great to hear that her vitals are good – shows what an amazingly strong wee girl she is. Thank you for the updates. thinking of you all.

  19. Natalie and Cody says:

    Thank god – God keep Aria on the road to recovery. make her journey safe and complication free – wrap her family in serenity and keep them well in the name of love amen

  20. Mark and Jo says:

    What an amazing girl you have. And what amazing parents you are! Continually praying for you guys and for the road ahead! May God continue to bless you all

  21. Rose / Flower says:

    Anita, I’m so pleased to hear your exciting news. My thoughts are with you at this stressful time, and like you I am thinking of the family whose amazing generosity made this possible. Lots of love, Rose

  22. Shortly says:

    Thinking of you lots, hoping Miss Aria will soon be back in PICU.

  23. Natalie and Cody says:

    big hugs to you brave people 🙂

  24. Marilyn says:

    our prayers and thoughts are with you and also the family who have made this possible.

    Love Marilyn & Rita FPF

  25. Rolf and Helen says:

    Fantastic news! – what an amazing surgeon Aria has. Relief also to know that the organs are starting to work. Great team effort from all of you. Still praying.

  26. Anthea says:

    WOW!! have been away from the computer the last 24hrs – what wonderful news to come back to find! CONGRATS ON TRANSPLANT!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!
    AND ORGANS THAT ARE WORKING!!!!!!! WOW! Isn’t it AMAZING how they just start going so quickly!
    And while there will be a few more obstacles to overcome yet – God is with you and the journey so far has proved that Miss Aria is so very good at overcoming obstacles! :->
    Many thoughts and prayers flying to you all and her donor family too as you journey through this next 24-48hrs.

  27. Laura & Bernie says:

    thank-you God for Blessing Aria,Anita,Hamish and Asher,continuing to pray for you all

  28. Ilona & sonia says:

    So pleased for you all the transplant has finally happened, especially for Aria. We continue to think of you all as you travel the tough road ahead. Our prayers and love are with you!

  29. Viv says:

    All 4 of you, Aria especially, and the medical and nursing teams caring for her, are very much in our prayers. Keep on holding on tightly to HIS hand.

  30. Dawn says:

    wow that’s awesome that the new organs are starting to work, and aria is doing well… will keep checking in on the updates, thanks for keeping us updated, ya’s are all as always in our thoughts and prayers

  31. Brian and Sandra Ready says:

    And the amazing news just keeps rolling on! Thanks for the constant updates guys. They are so much appreciated because Aria and you guys mean so much to us oxox.

  32. Staci-Ann Thornton says:

    wow!!!!! still parying for all of you

  33. joyce says:

    Thanks for taking time to keep us posted. Praying and giving thanks.Also for the organ donors. What a gift.

  34. Sabina says:

    Praise be to God! How wonderful – new organs for Aria. – Rolf and I have just returned from a short trip home to bury his dad who suddenly passed away of a massive heart attack. Coming back, I just checked Aria’s news. So happy for you all.
    It makes us realise once again how closely linked life and death are… There is a time for everything. GOD’s time.
    Bless you. We keep praying.

  35. Ruth says:

    Absolutely amazing to hear what it happening with Aria and yourselves! Such amazing blessings and victory! Hallelujah! still praying for the times to come!!

  36. Samantha Sutherland says:

    So happy to hear the surgery went well and those precious organs are doing their job. Mum and dad send their love and prayers to you all too. You go Aria!

  37. Celia & Tony Astell says:

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you all, especially little Aria. Go well darling little girl! The skill of the surgeons never ceases to amaze us. Keep on being strong Anita and Hamish knowing that so many people are thinking of you.

  38. Fran & Dan says:

    hi its thomas just want to ceck in with you guys to see if aria is felling a lot better than before

    see you guys soon
    love,Thomas xoxox

  39. daniel dennison age 13 yrs says:

    wow. it really is a miracle what happened today. It really is a blessing. it has been a rough winter for you and your family. you have been in our thoughts and prayers. i have told my friends about aria and they have sent there blessings and i asked the pastor at the church up the road from us to put a prayer in the bulletin. It is great she has made it and i hope she stays strong.
    thinking of you,
    lots of love,

    Daniel (Fran’s son) xxoo

    P.S. mum and dad are hoping to see you tomorrow.

  40. Rua Walters says:

    So Pleased everything is going well for Aria. Thinking of you all, keep strong. Love and best wishes.

  41. Tiffany Keller says:

    A lot of people are touched by Aria’s life, even though some us (including me) have never met her in person. I pray that God continues to keep her healthy! God has his healing hands on her!

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