In the land of Nod….
Aria is sleeping very heavily, so heavily in fact that they turned off all her sedation completely and she sleeps on without so much as a wriggled finger or a twitch of the nose.
They are a little concerned about this so at about 2.30am this morning we got a phone call advising that she was being taken down to radiology for a CT scan to make sure that there was nothing bad going on in the brain itself. Needless to say that we were concerned at their concern and we very relieved to hear a while later that everything was normal inside her brain. The current theory is that the drugs used to sedate her are backed up in her system due to things not working quite as they should yet and therefore once all the backlog clears she will come around.
Obviously we are very keen to see that as we want to know that she is alright and recovering but most of all we just want to interact with out little girl again. We miss her terribly, we are really looking forward to her telling us to “read book” or “go walk” or “wet hat”. Also really looking forward to telling her about everything that has happened and the amazing thing that God has brought about in the last few days.
Last night as I was lying in bed thinking about Aria and her lack of response I was comforted by this verse in Philippians 1;
“being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”
While I’m pretty sure this wasn’t written specifically to apply to bowel transplants I do believe that God is doing a marvelous work of healing and restoration in Aria’s life and he will bring her through this.
So prayers would be appreciated that she would wake up, that the organs would all get going, and that there is no infection or rejection (our two biggest dangers).
The other thing to pray for is the surgery that will take place later today (about lunchtime) to clean up all the yucky stuff that is still sitting in her abdominal cavity, may God guide the surgeons as they work to ensure that infection would not come from within.
18 Responses to “In the land of Nod….”
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- Hirschsprung’s disease
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Starship Children’s Health
The hospital that takes great care of Aria - The Kids Foundation of NZ
The wonderful charity that supports Aria
# 8 Feb at 8:23 am
Michelle says:My thoughts and prayers are with you. Take care.
# 8 Feb at 8:44 am
Tina Coleman says:Praying for all of you as we wait for sweet Aria to wake up. Rejoicing for the new organs, praying everything starts working on it’s on very soon!
Hang in there! God is GOOD!
Love you all
# 8 Feb at 10:41 am
joyce says:I always recall the verse–BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD.He is with Aria at all times. Praying that all is good today.
# 8 Feb at 11:40 am
Shirley says:Praying for you all at the start of a NZ day and as a big day lays waiting ahead of Aria and you all. With earnest prayers for you all. X
# 8 Feb at 12:00 pm
Nyle says:Thinking of you guys…….Praying all goes great today and Aria starts to wake and interact with you all. She is such a trooper..what an amazing wee girl.
# 8 Feb at 12:32 pm
Jeannie Overall says:Hamish and Anita-So many people are holding all your family up in prayer daily-your scripture is God’s mighty word and we believe the good work begun will continue-Your strength and faith is a wonderful testimony to so many-Thank you for the daily updates on your little angel Aria-What a precious wee thing she is-Be assured that we will pray according to your requests for today and each day-it is so exciting reading the daily reports on Aria’s progress and to see God’s hand at work-Give Aria a special kiss from us all-God bless you and hold you all in his loving arms-Jeannie
# 8 Feb at 1:16 pm
Laura says:thinking and praying for you all, God Bless, big hugs
# 8 Feb at 1:37 pm
Matt says:Article on Stuff:
# 8 Feb at 1:37 pm
Melissa says:Soo glad that Aria has come so far. I will pray for sure that God would just hold her while she sleeps and that she would heal during this time and for the organs to work properly. Most importaint NO INFECTION OR REJECTION. Hang in there!!
# 8 Feb at 2:04 pm
Jenny says:I get the warm fuzzies reading that verse that stood out for you:) Am sure its meant for you right now. Praying for joy and good news day by day.
# 8 Feb at 3:12 pm
Sandra R says:Dear Ones,
I am a fellow NZ’er and have been following your blog for sometime now. What a precious family of God you are. Your wee Aria is such a strong little girl and each time I read your posts I feel so much joy that she is who she is. I pray the Lord will give you an extra portion of peace over the coming days as you wait to see if her dear little body will accept her new organs. I too, pray for the family whose child has passed away, and their gift to help Aria live. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
hugs and blessings to you all,
# 8 Feb at 3:25 pm
Jennie & Rob says:Hi guys, we are keeping you all in our prayers, and look forward to hearing of Aria’s recovery 🙂 hugs!
# 8 Feb at 3:26 pm
Steph van Garderen says:Praying with you that Aria will come round very soon and that no infection/rejection occurs. xxxx
# 8 Feb at 6:54 pm
Kat says:Your constantly in my thoughts and prayers.
# 8 Feb at 10:13 pm
jen says:praying that your sweet girl will wake up soon
that the organs will all get going and that Aria doesnt get any infections and that her body will accept them without any problems
I pray for the surgery coming up that will clear all the yucky stuff inside her
I pray that You dear Lord will be with the surgeons
# 9 Feb at 12:07 am
Lin Golab says:Aria
May God protect you beautiful girl. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.
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