More Bumpity Bumps - Aria MacDonald

More Bumpity Bumps

HIGHLIGHT- Aria was just clapping along with Barney, or trying to at least, pretty hard with big heavy fluid filled hands and arms.  She choose the Barney video and the song was about clapping.  So she is obviously listening despite her sleepy dozey state.  Go Aria, she is so amazing.

Darn- some more bumps today!

Aria went down to the OR again.  The 6th time in 8 days!  Crazy

They found a hole in her bowel from her NG tube in her nose and they moved her stoma again.  Hamish and I were frustrated to hear both of those things.  Three surgeons have moved the stoma three times each time leaving a hole in Aria’s body to heal.  Thankfully this time it is back in the original place, so there is only one hole to heal.  But it will need to be moved again at some point as the organs grow.

The NG tube is very carefully placed and we found out today that Aria pulled it out the night before last and it was just put back in and the placement was not xrayed.  This is disappointing.  Anyway there is a sign up now by her bed saying ‘Do Not manipulate NG’  So that gets the message thru.

I talked with the transplant fellow and his opinion was everything is going well with Aria overall.  But these are bumps of the road.  Which are totally expected.  There is a lot to be positive about.  But the bumps are difficult and they mean setbacks.

Sometimes I wish someone else could write this blog, someone who wasn’t so emotionally involved.  Then perhaps you would get a more balanced view.  Although I do think we try to be positive as possible but at some point it is helpful to be honest with y’all.

So another difficult day for other reasons that won’t make it on to this blog.  It is Valentines Day here.  A BIG deal in the US.  The MacDonald family committed a bit of a cultural faux paux on Friday.  Asher had valentines day party on Friday at daycare.  Still not sure what that is but it involved cake.  Anyway he came home with all these lovely little cards and lollies from his buddies To Asher Love From So and So- little valentines.  We felt pretty terrible- had NO IDEA we were supposed to get cards and things.   We are foreigners in a new land, sometimes it is hard.  But loving V day cause I have a huge yummy heart shaped cookie here from Carol and Cordell’s neighbours!  How nice is that?

25 Responses to “More Bumpity Bumps”

  1. Lori Hollingsworth says:

    Sorry about the bumps, but you are right….they are to be expected, and one day soon, you will start seeing all these kinks worked out and the REAL healing begin. Stay strong, my friend!! You guys are doing an amazing job….but one I know you do not enjoy! It is VERY VERY difficult! WE LOVE YOU and your sweet family on this Valentine’s Day (and of course, every other day as welll….) 😉

  2. Brooke Scott says:

    We know how that is, making some cultural faux pas! We’ve done that for sure. I was so glad to be out of the Valentine’s Day craze that is in the US. I forgot it was even Valentine’s Day until someone asked me how mine was. 🙂 I remember as a kid making Valentines for everyone in our class, but not sure if we did that as early as preschool. Crazy! Just know we can relate to being strangers in a strange land!

  3. joyce says:

    Just let that giant heart shaped cookie remind you of all hearts in the USA and everywhere that are lifting you all in prayer.

  4. fiona says:

    Anita- don’t feel that you are not giving a balanced view- you are giving a REAL view- from a place no-one would want to be – and REAL is what we are here to hear- so we can stand with you thru it- in our very minor way- and from a much easier place!!

  5. Kathleen and Anita says:

    Bumpity bumps are all most unpleasant but … keep your hand in the Hand of He who is in control!He won’t let you go, in fact He will lift you up into His strong arms and carry you. Kisses for Aria and Ashie

  6. Brad and Steph says:

    Praying for you and those bumps… don’t worry about the valentines. I’m pretty sure my mom forgot to send me to school with them at least once when I was little! Happy Valentine’s Day to all four of you. Glad you get to enjoy some sweets!

  7. christine macdonald says:

    I agree with Fiona, we appreciate both you and Ham sharing your Heart from a place where none of us would want to be, but your honesty in the good times and bumps helps us to stand with you in prayer, sending heaps of love to you all on Valentines day and everyday, people will understand that you are not up with the customs, praying Aria will have less Bumps and strength for you all

  8. Jacqui says:

    Hang in there my friend … we are all here for you even though we are miles away we all hold you so close to our hearts.

    Love and best wishes always
    Jacqui and Kavahn

  9. jen says:

    praying for you all especially Aria

    enjoyed reading your HIGHLIGHT

  10. Bill & Delwyn Cockrell says:

    Also enjoyed reading the highlight. Standing with you and praying especially when things are hard. The little lights in the tunnel are such blessings for you at this time. Go Aria!!!

  11. Fran and Dan says:

    Brill seeing you today, Aria is such a sweet pea bless her. I have those plastic eggs sorted for Easter no worries.. going to drag you here for Asher to have an Easter hunt and good old English roast.. but that’s yonks away. Thomas and Daniel were gutted they missed out on seeing you :o( So hoping to come up in the morning as its bank holiday eh xxxxx

  12. thomas (9 yrs) says:

    its thomas :o)

    i fell so bad bless her heart! :O(

    hope i see you soon! :o)

  13. thomas (9 yrs) says:

    me again 😮
    hope you got my text ! :O

  14. Samantha Sutherland says:

    Love to hear everything – you can’t feel positive if you don’t want to! Warts and all is how it is and I’m sure that is what everyone wants to hear about. thinking of you xx

  15. Lisa says:

    Lots of love and best wishes!

  16. Natalie and Cody says:

    so grateful for you guys sharing of this journey of yours – it astounds me how much punishment that wee girl’s body is going thru and yet her spirit shines thru it all – you guys are great parents and send support thru the internet cyber waves or whateva they are – prayers as well 🙂

  17. Judy Palmer says:

    Just keep saying what’s in your heart and we all will know better what you need us to pray for specifically. It’s great that Aria is showing her spirit through all of her discomfort. Keep strong.

  18. Shirley says:

    How lovely to have Aria clapping along! Such tenacity amongst all she is putting up with and fighting for. much love. X

  19. Ali/nerdygirl says:

    Ugh, EVERY holiday is so different in the US! I remember it well, and can really empathise. Sorry to hear about the bumps. I believe the road will smooth over time.

    Ali xoxo

  20. Pamela Borawski says:

    I hope Aria got the valentine’s day card I sent to her, it should have arrived by now! Also, my swap starts today and there were 20 participants so you all should be getting 20+ postcards within the next week or two depending on where in the world they are coming from!

    Pamela “druideye”

  21. Samantha Seccombe says:

    Dear Anita and Hamish,

    I’m so glad you write the blog as we can feel more of what you’re going through as well as Aria. We pray for you all and lift you up to our loving Lord.
    Valentines day in Japan is strange. The girls give the guys chocolates and gifts! My husband and 2 boys received chocolates…but not from me!


  22. neala says:

    Love that wee Aria! And the first year in NZ I arrived at work on my birthday WITHOUT A SHOUT… still feeling the embarrassment of that! Thought the guys who told me the day before were pulling my leg… ‘you mean I have to give cake on MY birthday? What the…?’

    xx as always thinking of you!

  23. Lisa Robertson says:

    Oh bless her, Aria is such a sweetie. Hope today is bringing less bumps and more healing and recovery. Love to you all x

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