Artscapes for Aria - Aria MacDonald

Artscapes for Aria

Please don’t forget Artscapes for Aria happening today NZ time.  It is not to late to join in.  For a $10 donation you will get a beautiful digital photo of New Zealand captured by the lovely Louise Treherne.  Overseas people (and Kiwis)  you can join in too with payments via credit card online, leave your email in the comments section or email copmil AT ihug DOT co DOT nz

We are so grateful for this fundraiser happening while we are away.  The need to fundraise still continues because we have no idea how long we will need to live in Omaha, could very well be years (hope not!).  Remember all money is safely in Trust with the Kids Foundation, a registered charity.  100% of the donations to Aria go directly to her, awesome.

As for Aria, she is doing ok. The current plan is that Aria’s visits to the OR have finished….. unless they HAVE to take her down.

The breathing tube is in still, what needs to happen for that to go is to get rid of some of the excess fluid that she is carrying. Reducing the fluid she is carrying means that she will be able to breathe easier and there is risk of fluid in her lungs causing her to get a chest infection. We are hoping she responds really well to medication to clear the fluid and that she can be weened off the ventilator in the next day or so.

The other thing the Dr’s are keeping a close eye on at the moment is her kidney function. It is currently in the lower end of normal which is ok, however the anti-rejection medication she is on can be very hard on kidneys so they are monitoring this closely to insure that the new kidneys are keeping on top of things.

All in all she is doing pretty well, she is stable and they have her in a comfortable state. She wakes up and interacts a little every now and then which is nice. I for one am really looking forward to the fluid being cleared. It’s hard to look at your little daughter looking like the stay pufffed marshmallow man (Ghostbusters reference).

Hopefully in the next few days we’ll have the NO TUBE!! post we, and I am sure you, are looking forward to.

7 Responses to “Artscapes for Aria”

  1. Laura & Bernie says:

    thinking & praying for you all, specially for fluid to go and tube to be removed from little miss Aria. god bless you all, take care, big hugs

  2. Linda Crosbie says:

    Praying that Aria is close to getting the tube out and the kidneys improve. Just think spring is not far away for you and it will be a wonderful time for Arias rehabilitation. Xxxx

  3. joyce says:

    So happy for the good days. Praying for the good vitals and for the tube to GO.

  4. Bracefield family says:

    Great to read of the continued progress.
    In Christ

  5. Judy Palmer says:

    I am so pleased that Aria is improving. Continuing praying that the fluid will go away and that nasty tube will come out.

  6. Samantha Sutherland says:

    Yes it is such a balancing act that the docs have to work out with the meds – they sound such a great team though. She will probably be on steroids too for 3-6 months post so although she will lose most of the fluid weight she will be a little larger than usual for a bit – I still thought Lara looked cute with her chubby cheeks though and it didn’t make much difference to her! She won’t look like the michelin man though!

    Lara had pneumonia post transplant for being under anasthetic for 12 hours, so she had fluid on the lungs too – it was a bit hairy so I am glad they are not taking this chance with Aria – although it is a bit longer on the ventilater it is better than having to help her breathe later if she gets sick.

    Here’s hoping for another great day for Aria so that tube can come out asap.

  7. EVE GILKES says:

    Dear Aria and family, still praying for you as I know many more are too.
    With love ……… God bless you
    Eve (England)

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“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11