A mixed bag - Aria MacDonald

A mixed bag

We have so many little things to be thankful for today and one big thing to be sad about.

But first up how is Aria?  She is doing ok.  Pretty good.  The bad news though was that she will be on the vent until mid next week 🙁 BUMMER.  Argh we totally want that breathing tube gone.  They want to get more fluid off her and the only way is for her to pee it out.  But they don’t want to flog her kidney with too much medicine to make her pee.  So it will take time and there is the mention of Dialysis, just for short term.  But no one wants to go there really.

Aria is in this weeks issue of the Womans Day out on Sunday in NZ.  Grab a copy and tell ya friends.  We are thankful for the support of the Woman Day in NZ following Aria’s story.

We continue to have lovely support from our Omaha friends.  Carol and Cordell managed both kids so Hamish and I could get out.  And Dan and Thomas visited with a BIG box of videos, yes videos- remember those.  The TVs here only have video players so it is a great place to send old videos that have been replaced by DVDs.

Had an email from a teacher in Nelson whose class is following Aria’s story.  So sweet a group of 6 year olds are cheering for Aria and keeping up with the news.

Artscapes for Aria also was successful!  There is still time to join in. Lou did 13 hours of travelling and lot of phototaking!  Wow awesome work Lou

Um what else?  There is more stuff, I forget, my jumbled mind is well, jumbled.


15 Responses to “A mixed bag”

  1. Rebecca Breen says:

    Massive hugs and love to you guys. xxx

  2. Christine MacDonald says:

    Feeling a lot of emotions right along with you, standing with you in thought and lots of prayers for the fluid to lessen and that the organs may still be found. Thanks to Carol and Cordell for allowing you to have a break. lots of love to you all

  3. Natalie and Cody says:

    I so hope that the organs are found at least the hosp seems to be taking responsibility – god always has plans = hard to see them sometimes i for one are learning about faith its been a long journey for me to trust in the miracle that is god but fortunately have seen god working in Cody’s journey thru his disability and the wonderful people who are there for us – anyhoo – our thoughts and prayers are with you and hugs

  4. Kathleen and Anita says:

    Sad about the disappeared organs, you certainly didn’t need the extra stress. And the emotional rollercoaster seems like it goes on and on and … on. Don’t be afaid to let your emotions go. Tell God just how you feel. He can take it. He won’t be horrified and throw His hands in the air. He certainly won’t tell you off. He really truly understands and cares.

  5. Samantha Sutherland says:

    Glad you managed to get a break together. Still hoping Aria’s organs are able to be retrieved so you can release them in peace. Thinking of you always xxx

  6. jen says:

    praying Arias organs are found

    bless your Omaha friends

  7. Carol and Cork says:

    We’re glad that hope remains. Too bad Monday isn’t tomorrow. Hard to wait.

  8. Lauren says:

    Praying for you that Aria’s organs are found – I can totally understand your wish to farewell those parts of her precious body with love and respect and honour, the way you want to. Also praying for no dialysis required, the fluid moving on and the breathing tube out!

  9. Belinda- LF (Liver family) says:

    Praying that they find the old organs for you, and praying that Aria pees out all of that fluid and she does not need dialysis.

  10. joyce says:

    Praying for Aria’s total healing and for your peace of mind abouut the organs.

  11. Steph van Garderen says:

    So sorry to hear that. Praying that they will be found and returned to you, and also that Aria’s fluid will lessen so that the breathing tube can be removed. xxxxx

  12. Maryanna Samuels says:

    gorgeous advice. I’m going to post a link of this podcast on my blackboard website for my students. Every thing you said functions for discussion boards too. Thanks !

  13. Dylan Lopez says:

    the best video player that i use is none other than VLC Player, it is free and i think it is open source too,:-

  14. Kids Pools  says:

    there are so many hardware and software video players on the market these days, sometimes it is hard to select.’~

  15. Gate Latch · says:

    the video player that i use is VLC from videolan, this is a good videoplayer ,,~

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“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11