Hospital life again - Aria MacDonald

Hospital life again

Aria had a better day today.  Looks like her infection is on top of which is great news because bugs in your blood is very bad news.  We are still getting on top of her sedation and that has been very hard but yesterday was better too.  She is doing so well and fighting all the way.  The Intensive Care Doc called her ‘The Party Girl’ cause Aria isn’t one to take sedation well.  Many times we have had to give her big doses to be comfortable.

The pass couple of days have been very painful and difficult.  We have become friends with a lovely couple here and their sweet daughter Almariah had had a bowel and liver transplant a week after we arrived in Omaha.  Yesterday Almariah passed away due to a medication error in the PICU where Aria is.  Our hearts are heavy for her parents who are wonderful people that fought hard for their girl.  Almariah was a fighter too, you would never believe how strong and beautiful she is.

We only share this publicly because it was on our news last night.  Her parents have chosen to speak out and stop this happening to other children.  Please know Aria does not receive this drug and we have had many conversations with staff here about Aria’s care in light of this horrible event.

May your spirit be at rest  Almariah, we will never forget you.   Kenya and Greg our prayers and thoughts and tears are with you now and in the coming days.

14 Responses to “Hospital life again”

  1. Kathleen and Anita says:

    Praying with you too at this sad time
    kathleen and anita

  2. joyce says:

    I cannot find words to say for you and the family of this other precious little girl. I know you become like family with the other patients in the ICU. All I can do is just pray for all of you there. May God show you his peace and bless little Aria with a good day today.

  3. Fran & Dan says:

    Oh my… We are so sorry. We saw the news this morning on telly :o(
    I’m lost for words, that poor family xxx
    All our love xxxx

  4. Natalie says:

    I am so sorry for Almariahs parents, please send my families love and strength from here.
    Much love to you, Hamish, Asher and Aria as well, I check whats happening regularly, I am glad that they are on top of the infection.
    Love to you xoxo

  5. Shirley says:

    Oh how terribly sad. Much love and heartache for Almariahs parents at this dreadful time for them. May you guys know strength at this trying time. X

  6. Samantha Sutherland says:

    Oh that is just so heartbreaking and so unfair for Almariah after her battle to live. I hope you guys can get through this too as I know how much you take on of other peoples lives when you live so closely in picu with them. Good to hear Aria is showing her strength once again and fighting that infection! Hugs to you both and thinking of Almariah’s parents.

  7. Laura & Bernie says:

    that is so very sad,our prayers go out to family of little Almariah

    and always praying for you Anita,Hamish,Aria and Asher God Bless you all

    Big Hugs & Love to you all

  8. Natalie and Cody says:

    How tragic that is – My heart goes out to Almariah’s family. Am praying for them – and go Aria keep on getting stronger my prayers are with you all – Big hugs to you guys

  9. Lauren says:

    There are no words – it’s just heartbreaking. I cannot imagine how hard this must be for you guys to witness. It’s hard to comprehend – much much love to you all. My heart also goes out to that beautiful wee girl and her mum and dad.

    Glad to hear Aria has beaten the infection. Another goal for Team Aria!

  10. Mary Rose says:

    What very sad news for you all and especially the parents.May you be there for them as you know so well the fight they all fought.God grant you wisdom as you keep their friendship

  11. Ann says:

    My heart goes out for her parents, also for you to have strength

  12. Judy Palmer says:

    The tears are streaming down my face as I remember how hard it is to lose a child. I pray that God will comfort Almariah’s parents and also give you belief that Aria will get better.
    Your in Christ,

  13. jen says:

    a few days late reading this
    been busy but happy

    pleased Aria had a better day
    Go Aria you fighter!!! With Gods help all things are possible 🙂 🙂

    my thoughts are with the family of Almariah

    how scary that medication errors can occur in PICU
    Pleased youve had a talk to the medical staff

    HUGS to all

  14. Tiffany Keller says:

    That is very sad! :’-( They will be in my prayers! I pray that Aria will keep fighting, so she can be a healthy & playful girl someday! I’m glad to hear that Aria doesn’t take that drug, & that you talked with the staff about it. Aria is always in my prayers! God Bless!

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