To Trach or not to Trach - Aria MacDonald

To Trach or not to Trach

So it seems like Aria is going to be on the vent for awhile longer.  So we have made the hard decision to give her a Tracheostomy.  I know- EEEEK right?  Click on the link and you can read more.

They aren’t as scary as I imagined them to be and there are a lot of benefits to having one.  When they first mentioned it ages ago we were horrified and annoyed for them bring it up.  But turns out it will be a good thing for Aria.

Firstly she won’t have a nasty tube in her mouth and down her throat anymore.  She is currently on a big cocktail of drugs to help with sedation and keep her from pulling the tube out that is taped to her face.  She will be able to come off those drugs and enjoy life a lot more.  AND she might be able to disconnect from the vent for a bit and put the oxygen prongs on her nose and go for a walk for an hour or so.

Downside is that she wont be able to talk still because there will always be air flowing into her trach.  Also there is talk of her having to keep it in for a year but hopefully it will be around the six month mark.

They had an OR time for today but we declined because we weren’t ready and hadn’t asked everyone their opinions but it seems like everyone is in favour of it and believe that it will give Aria a better quality of life.  Looks like next week she will get it done under GA.

There was talk of dialysis again yesterday which was pretty distressing.  But Aria’s kidneys have picked up and she is peeing pretty well so looks like we have avoided that one for now.  Overall I think she is going well, her vitals and blood pressures are good and so is her temp.

Interesting ‘celebrating’ another holiday again in the USA.  Today is Good Friday and life it pretty much normal.  All the shops are open and hospital has all the regular week day staff on and I don’t think Monday is a holiday.  Apparently America doesn’t shut down like NZ does which is surprising given that I perceive the US to be more Christian country than NZ.

The weather is changing and it is becoming summer.  I am finding it difficult and strange to have summer at this time of year and not be heading into the Christmas/Holiday season. The change of seasons remind me that time is marching on.  I would be quite happy for it to stay winter forever.  It was easier being stuck inside when it is freezing out.

Still we have lots to look forward to.  The new PICU opens on the 12th of April and we are moving into the condo on the 14th.  So we will have two new homes.  By the way PICU is pronouced PIC Ewww not PICooooo.  The ‘Ewww’ way is how the Americans say it and we say it ‘Coooo’.  Honestly sometimes I think I speak another language!

15 Responses to “To Trach or not to Trach”

  1. Ali/nerdygirl says:

    I think you have made a really good choice to go with the trach! Benefits outweigh the bad parts I think. Hard though!! Thinking of you as always.

    Ali xoxo

  2. Delwyn Cockrell says:

    You do Anita. We speak New Zild and they speak American, which sort of resembles English in parts – mind you there are different Americans accents and words depending on where you go as well. Good to hear Aria is doing well. Hope she continues this way. Sending love and prayers your way this Easter season for many blessings. Love from the Cockrells and McKenzie mob.

  3. jen says:

    If Arias quality of life can be better then I think you have been wise
    the children on that website look so happy

    my thoughts and prayers are with you all

    have a blessed Easter

  4. Samantha Sutherland says:

    Hey, if it is good for Aria then it is worth doing as I’m sure you already know! You have gone through so many challenges lately and conquered so many things you never thought you would face so here is another one and it seems its not so bad. We’ll take the good things huh!

    Have a great Easter, hope the easter eggs are up to scratch over there and that you can find a hot cross bun too. Lots of love and hugs xxx

  5. Natalie and Cody says:

    I so hope that the Trach gives Aria a better quality of life which sounds like it will – I hope that your days are easier from now on in and that they will go quickly. My thoughts are with you = big hugs

  6. Coralie says:

    Well done Anita and Hamish, although it may have been difficult to make this decision it is comforting to know that children like the ones on Aaron’s page are living proof that it is OK to go this way.

    I think of you often and my heart goes out to you and other families who have to go through this ordeal.

  7. Judy Palmer says:

    Aria will probably try speaking (as my husband did but we were not very good at lip reading) so be prepared to try and understand what she is trying to say. Great that she is doing better. Praying as always for you all.

  8. joyce says:

    Glad to hear Aria is able to cope with all her ups and downs. She will like the trach a lot more than the tube I think.She is such a fighter and so are her parents. Easter is such a blessed time and to know we have a God who cares for us and is with us each minute. Prayers to all.

  9. Lori Hollingsworth says:

    Praying for you all as you enter into yet another chapter of the “Aria Healing” book. LOVE YOU!!!!! (Todd and I find it so funny that you would be heading into Christmas season….cannot wrap this little Western brain around that) 😉

  10. Lindsey says:

    Anita, it was so great to see you on Thursday. Thank you for taking the time to come down and see me. I know you have had to put Aria in the hands of doctors several times, I just have such a hard time with it. Talk to you soon, thanks for the updates!
    Lindsey & Fam

  11. Lisa says:

    You are such a brave family – decisions are hard but we think you are making the right one – Happy Easter to you

  12. Doc and Sharon says:

    Praying for continued healing for little Aria! We think of you every day, many times a day. Sorry we have not been up for a bit as we have a lot going on right now with Doc’s surgery and other stuff. Hope to see you soon!
    Love to you all

  13. Tiffany Keller says:

    I’m glad to hear that Aria is doing better! Funny/strange thing is, back in the old days everything shut down for Easter weekend, & kids had Good Friday off from school (at least that’s what my mom telss me). Funny how things change. We have a few accents in the USA, & I have trouble understanding them sometimes & I live in the USA, lol. I pray everything continues to go well! God Bless!

  14. Shirley says:

    Last week when we were in SS with Sam we shared a room with a trachy boy…. and he was such a happy little guy, mobile and out for walks through out the day. Was amazing to see how well his Mum dealt with it and made it look so easy. You guys have learnt so much over the years to help Aria…and this will be another learning and adjustment for you….may you know strength in this next step and may Aria know more joy with this new development. Much love. X

  15. Nola Young says:

    this was in my reading this am “To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul. O my God, I trust in You….remember, O Lord, your tender mercies and Your lovingkindnessess, for they have been from of old”. Ps 25. The Lord will continue to lead you step by step and as you take this next step in full trust and confidence in Him. Praying for deep peace and indeed a good outcome for this next stage.

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