Boo! - Aria MacDonald


Aria and Green Dolly are on the front page of the Dom Post today, little story along with others about organ donation.

Well Aria was doing great and we were seriously going to give her a shot at extubation today.  But late yesterday her blood cultures came back positives for the same bug she had last week and has been fighting since transplant.  Her heart rate got up to 200 this morning and her temp up to 39.5!  She is not a happy girl.

Things have settled a bit and she is in the 150s and 37.2.  Lots of sleeping today and not as active and happy.

She did a 14 hour sprint yesterday in preparation for extubation today and her blood gas cam back perfect.  But she is back on her regular vent settings today, which actually are still pretty low.  So things are on hold because we want her to be as strong as she can be to give her a good chance to ‘fly’ off the vent and breath by herself.

Asher and I got out with Erika and Emerson to the Omaha Children Museum again and to Jason’s Deli (great organic fresh food!).  We had a great time.  Part of me wanted to sit and cry happy tears as I saw Emerson running around and laughing and playing with Asher.  Totally amazing given all she has been thru.  I just love talking to Erika, a inspiration and just so positive but honest with me too.

Please keep Aria in your prayers- she needs healing and health right now!

11 Responses to “Boo!”

  1. susan says:

    certainly are praying!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Kathleen and Anita says:

    We’re right here Anita and Hamish. Loving you and praying lots for all four.
    Hugs,big bear ones that squeeeeeze you to bits!

  3. Tiffany Keller says:

    Aria will always be in my prayers Anita! I pray that this bug will go away, & stay away! God Bless!

  4. Natalie and Cody says:

    It never fails to amaze me at how much these kids go through – Am praying for Aria as always and for strength and serenity for you and Hamish – plus added to my prayers are for Emerson and Erika (what a journey you guys go thru every day with these terribly sick children – you deserve medals of courage) – much strength support to you all — hugs from us here

  5. jen says:

    that was a nice report in the newspaper

    Praying for Aria

    pleased you and Asher had a nice time

  6. Samantha Sutherland says:

    Sorry to hear you are having another ‘bump’in the road you are travelling. Awesome that you got out and about with Erika and Emerson – I feel like they are celebrities to me as I have been following Eme’s story for such a long time and find Erika totally inspiring and honest. I’m glad you two are friends because if Eme can get through all that she has then Aria certainly has a great role model!

    Take care xxx

  7. Bracefield family says:

    Continuing to pray for you all.
    In Christ

  8. Judy Palmer says:

    Praying as always for healing and strength for Aria to fight off that infection. Great you could get some time out with Asher, Erica and Emerson.

  9. Robert & Ruth says:

    We prayed for you each one this evening, during our family prayer time. May you know the Lord’s peace, patience, endurance, and His loving arms around you each new day.
    Robert, Ruth, Stephen, Matthew & Nathan

  10. Lori Hollingsworth says:

    I’m SO glad you were able to spend some time (out) with Erika and Emerson!!! I have followed her story for…..EVER!! I’m very thankful you can have someone to really talk to and truly empathize with.

    Love you!

  11. Jaclyn Smith says:

    As always praying for Aria and everyone around her… from family, to the nurses to the doctors and everyone on her journey!

    Everday I read your posts and whether it is good or bad news your positivity shines through! Much love to you all x

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