Moving Day! - Aria MacDonald

Moving Day!

UPDATE******** WOW- guess what!?  The Pseudomonas in her blood has come back with TEN sensitivities!! YAY, including a drug called Cipro which Aria has been on before.  So we will be able to take her off the nasty kidney UNfriendly ABX and put her on something nicer 😀

As much as it pains me to update cause I really wanted to leave this post up for longer, there is lots going on today.

We have finally moved to the new PICU and it is pretty nice.  As you can see below it is more child-like than the old adult ICU which we used to be in.  We have a couch and proper shelves for storage.  Pretty decals on the walls and doors.  And a nice new flat screen telly that Aria is really enjoying.

Aria was the first resident in the new PICU and is loving her new environment.  She went down in her wheelchair and it took about 5 people but we made it.

Check out the photos below, sorry I am not a very good photographer!





Also we got an organ offer last night from way out of state on the other side of the country.  That is a good sign that Aria is getting calls.  The team declined the offer though because the organs weren’t healthy for Aria.  Anyway, for us it is a positive sign.  But a reminder of the fact there is family out there grieving terribly today.  Please keep them in your prayers.

22 Responses to “Moving Day!”

  1. Bracefield family says:

    Wow what a beautiful setting in a difficult situation. Really blessed to see God’s providence to you all and reading yesterdays update. Praise the Lord.
    In Christ
    The Bracefields

  2. Fiona says:

    Keep on keeping on, you are an amzing family, we are all with you on your journey.

  3. Jaime says:

    You guys are awesome. love arias new room, very flash. much love xx

  4. joyce says:

    Hopefully things will be more comfortable in Aria’s new room. I pray the new organs come soon and she can continue on her journey to complete healing.
    All in God’s good timing. You are an awesome family and give us a lift each day by letting us walk with you in prayer.

  5. Ruth says:

    Love the new room, looks nice and cheery for Aria and you! Praying the right organs will arrive! So pleased God has revealed himself to you in such amazing ways lately! xx

  6. Lisa Robertson says:

    Wow, pretty new room Aria! Glad to hear the shift went smoothly and you are all settled in now. Yes, your last post was a pretty amazing one, the words ‘it is well with my soul’ really hit home with me and plan to put them on a painting I am working on so I can see them every day!
    Hope that the next few days run smoothly and the new drug brings some well earned relief for Aria from those nasty bugs.
    Love to you all xx

  7. Christy says:

    Woooohoooo!!! Awesome room too. Here’s your cyber hugs for today…00000000000000000000000000000000000.

  8. Rolf and Helen says:

    Beautiful room! – VERY Aria don’t you think? Go the good abx’s! Still with you all – all the way. Much love.

  9. Louise says:

    That room looks so bright and all the decorations and the couch are very cool. Glad Aria is enjoying her new room.
    And glad to hear the good news – keep it coming!!

  10. Tiffany Keller says:

    I love her PICU room! It’s so colorful & friendly-looking! 🙂 I’m glad she likes her room too! Continuing to pray for her. God Bless!

  11. Viv says:

    The new PICU looks great. Praying that Aria gets some new organs soon. Good news about the Pseudomonas being ABX sensitive. !!!

  12. chrissy Hallberg says:

    I bet green dolly feels a bit flash in your new room too!!!!.god bless you Aria xxxx

  13. Samantha Sutherland says:

    My heart always breaks for the amazing donor family when the call comes. I know you can imagine their grief and I guess that makes the gift all the more heartfelt to receive. What fantastic news about the antibiotics – you actually have a choice! Cipro is one they used on Lara a lot too. Your new premises look lovely and I see you have a lot of cool books and toys already to fill it. Take care and wonderful news on the organs being offered.

  14. Natalie and Cody says:

    The donor families are awesome we need more of that generosity and love that comes with organ donation – It’s so awesome that Aria has a bug that can be treated and much gentler on her kidneys wow AMAZING – I hope that the bugs are gone quickly – hugs from us

  15. jen says:

    the new PICU is real nice
    like the duvet

    praying that the organs come soon

  16. Christine MacDonald says:

    Great news that the pseudomonas can be treated by a less harsh antibiotic, love the new room. thankful for positive news, thinking of the family that offered the organs love to all xx

  17. Ali/nerdygirl says:

    What does the sign above her bed say? I’m so nosy…

  18. Linda Crosbie says:

    Let’s hope the next organs are the healthiest ones for Aria. Thoughts and prayers for the family that have said good bye to their little darling. What a lovely new room for Aria and you all to spend time in. So pleased to hear that the antibiotics can be changed. Really touched by your blog yesterday. Glad you both got be together and have a special experience at church. Xxxx

  19. Erin Alyssa and Sophie says:

    Aria we hope that very soon you will be playing with bubbles running on the grass with the sun on your face and dancing, from Alyssa and Sophie age 4yrs and 1 1/2

  20. Anita says:

    Ali- it says ‘Do not manipulate the NG’ It’s a flash handwritten sign 😉
    Just in case her NG pops out and so no one puts it back in to without getting the placement xray to avoid it perfing the bowel.

  21. Shirley Davy says:

    Wow, what a special girl to get the newest room! So lovely to see. Thanks for last couple of blogs. I was so inspired by your previous one and need to sit down and read it without interruptions to let it sink it a bit more. Lots of love and prayers my friends.

  22. Belinda - LF says:

    What a beautiful new room 🙂

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