On track - Aria MacDonald

On track

Aria is still on track for discharge tomorrow!  We have less than 24 hours to go.  SO EXCITED

There is lots of work being done and none of it is being done by me.  Operation Home is being managed by a team of people and they assure me they are all sorted.  In fact I don’t even have to tell them what time we will be home with Aria, they are ready and waiting for our call that we are home bound and will meet us there.  AND tomorrow we clean out the room of everything- EVERYTHING.  Anything that isn’t nailed down we are taking.  Ok not quite that- but if it has been billed to Aria’s account and we can use it at home it is coming.

We did a car seat test on Aria today. Normally this is done on little premmie babies to check they can manage carseats rides without comprising their breathing.   Baby capsules bend babies in the middle (rather then laying them flat) which is why carseats should stay in the car!   Even though Aria can sit upright we want to get her belted in and make sure she wouldn’t get uncomfortable and slump down- she did great!

Hamish is rooming in with her tonight and doing all her cares- just like at home.  Hopefully they will both get some sleep.

Hopefully the next post will be to announce Aria’s home coming!

46 Responses to “On track”

  1. Jan says:

    This is just so exciting for you all. You are all certainly in the right place at the moment. My thoughts will be with you. Love to you all Jan

  2. Jess says:

    Yay! We are excited for the progress that has been made. Our kids have big smiles on their faces at the thought of Aria home with her family. Praying that things go well towards a transition to family togetherness!

  3. Leticia says:

    How exciting!!! I cant wait for the ‘We are HOme! Post’. May God richly bless your plans and provide you with the wisdom, patience and joy for the next days!!!

  4. Bridgette says:

    WHOOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!! So excited for you!! And Aria and of course the boys!!! SOO Proud of her too!! Continuing to lift her up to the Father!!

  5. Kiri says:

    Wow, your days will be so different. Good luck with this transition.

  6. Susan says:

    Thats awesome new prayers coming your way that all goes right!!!

  7. Patricia Goldfinch says:

    Wow that is such awesome news!!! So exciting:-)

  8. Martha says:

    So exciting! Hope it all goes really well

  9. Wendy Holgate says:

    Absolutely Fantastic! She is such a trooper

  10. kelli says:

    Very happy for you all that Aria will be home at long last.
    We have a great god 🙂
    Much love guys, Aria you are amazing 🙂
    Take care

  11. joyce says:

    Home Sweet Home and a family united.It has come full circle and God granted it all. May everything go very smooth.Praying still.

  12. Joan Marshall says:

    Fingers crossed that all goes well. Lots of warm fuzzies for you all

  13. Rachelle Crosbie says:

    It must feel so good knowing Aria is coming to live with her family again, I bet she’s excited too!

  14. Linley and Bill says:

    Wonderful, wonderful, what great news to hear, we are soooooo pleased for you all.Well done for your care. everyone who has been involved with Aria, what a miricle.
    Savor the moment when you set foot back in the door, fantastic.Well done

  15. Heather says:

    Anita…I am so excited for you 🙂

  16. Tiffany Keller says:

    I’m so excited for you! I’m sure everything will be just fine! Sounds like the hospital has everything under control for you. Praying all goes well tomorrow! God Bless!

  17. Sarah M says:

    I woke up this morning and thought when it’s Thursday in America Aria will be going home!! I’ve followed Aria’s progress for a long time and am so super excited for you that your family will be under one roof, and that you will all get to wake up together on Friday morning to experience the rituals of family life.

    All the best! 🙂 x

  18. Rua says:

    Great News, Hope all goes well.Will be so lovely to all be together as a family again.Thinking of you all

  19. Bill Cockrell says:

    That’s Awesome News I am so Happy for you guys, May God continue His Blessings to you all !!

  20. Leeann says:

    That is wonderful news. All fingers crossed for the big day. You have all done so so well under incredible pressure…. YAY!

  21. Samantha Sutherland says:

    So exciting!

  22. Deborah says:

    So excited for you!!!! WOohoo!!! Praise God too that the people are so helpful too! looking forward to next post at home. love and prayers, deb xxx

  23. iliganoa says:

    Praise God amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Mary says:

    Wonderful news, so happy for all of you. Thanks be to God indeed.

  25. Yvonne RRN says:

    How awesome…roll out the red carpet!
    Fly the banners & balloon.
    The look on Asher, Nana & grandads faces will be priceless. But most of all the look on Aria’s face as she sees her new home
    Blessings to you all at this exciting time

  26. Kathy J says:

    Fantastic news!! Hope everything goes smoothly tomorrow. Did you know that Aria made the front page of the Manukau Courier today? http://www.stuff.co.nz/auckland/local-news/manukau-courier/

  27. Raylene says:

    Yay! Such great news. xx

  28. Janina says:

    God is GREAT!

  29. Judy Palmer says:

    Praise God for making this day possible. You all must be so excited.Praying all goes well for the move to HOME. Blessings,

  30. Bracefield family says:

    Fantastic news!
    The Bracefields

  31. Aunty Megan & Uncle Bruce says:

    Yippppeeee!! So excited that Aria is going home!! God is good and has brought Aria such a long way. He has done amazing things in her and through her. God’s timing has been so wonderful throughout Aria’s journey. Glad that Mum and Dad are there to help out, letting you guys concentrate on settling Aria back into home life. Next time we skype (once we’ve passed through holiday programme madness hehe) you’ll be at home. WOW!! Love you all!

  32. Steph van G says:

    That is so amazing! What an amazing girl, who has amazing parents, and all thanks to our amazing God! xxxxxxxx

  33. Lisa P says:

    Fantastic! So very exciting for you all! Thinking of you all, lots of love sent your way xxx

  34. Lisa Raymond says:

    Absolutely amazing – go girl

  35. chrissy Hallberg says:


  36. Jo says:

    You sound so tickled pink! What a miracle! Thank you Lord.

  37. jen says:

    praying all goes to plan

  38. Fiona Mc says:

    That is just wonderful to see little Aria come this far. Just remember to take one day at a time when she returns at home okay??

  39. brad and steph says:

    happy homecoming aria, mum, dad, and asher. 🙂

  40. Cork and Carol says:

    Praying for the transition and praising our God for His work of healing!

  41. Stuart Meehan says:

    Just wonderful to read this marvelous news , and we continue to pray for Aria’s continued restoration and for all of you.

  42. Monique Wagener says:

    awesome awesome news hun!!!

  43. Robyn says:

    Praise God. I hope the case will be for Aria that it is for many others going home – that they heal so much better in the home environment.

  44. Cinta Graves says:

    This is wonderful!! Aria you have made my day! Go you!! xxx

  45. Conni Brady says:

    God bless you guys….. It’s been a rough road but you’re getting there now.

    I remember being billed in American Hospitals. Wondered how an aspirin which I could buy 500 of at the chemist could cost me 5 bucks each in a hospital. I think you should take any and everything thats not nailed down. It’s outrageous.

    Anyway long time no talk but you’re still in my prayers!!! God bless you Aria!!!!! Jesus has his hands on you little one!


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