Party Time! - Aria MacDonald

Party Time!

Aria made it to her party!  We were very pleased.  The doctors and nurses were really good about getting her out in plenly of time.  We saw Dr Botha this morning on rounds.   He said to Aria ‘ Have a good party’ and she said ‘YES!  and punched her fist in the air, it was super funny.


Aria and her friends went to Build a Bear in Oakview Mall.  They have parties for the kids and they take you around and you pick your bear and stuff it and all kinds of fun things.  Then we went for ice cream and the kids got HEAPS of presents from Make A Wish.  We asked Aria what her favorite part was and she said ‘games’.  She was a bit obsessed with the computers there.  But then she said ‘Friends’. I think she really liked having little people her own age to party with. Guess all those months in hospital she missed out a bit.  Thanks to all of our friends for coming, we so appreciated you being there!



Overall we aren’t super excited about the state of Aria’s health right now.  We would really appreciate prayer.  Her kidney numbers are a bit off and she is retaining some fluid.  We dropped her immune suppression drugs today so that might help.  Her asthma flair up, which is why she was admitted isn’t fully under control but a few more days of steroids should help.

The big Make a Wish trip is all planned and we are so excited.  We are just so hoping Aria’s health is good and she can fully enjoy it.

15 Responses to “Party Time!”

  1. Carolyn O'Cain says:

    Praying for the MAW trip so all of you can enjoy it. Of course, praying for Aria’s health. Love the pictures of her at Build A Bear. I’ve often wanted to make myself a bear there myself!!!
    In His great love,
    Carolyn O’Cain

  2. Leticia says:

    I want to build a bear too!!!! Love the photos!! Praying for her health that she is well for her trip of a lifetime!!!

  3. jen says:

    praying for Aria

    sounds like a fun time

  4. Kathleen and Anita says:

    So glad Aria is ‘bearing up’ and was able to enjoy the Bear party.

  5. Tiffany Keller says:

    Love the pics.! Looks like Aria & her friends had a great time, despite her not being 100% well. I will be praying that Aria’s health will be at the best, when her MAW trip comes around! I know Aria will LOVE Disney World! I hope you all have fun! God Bless!

  6. Judy Palmer says:

    I am so glad that God answered our prayers for Aria’s health to be good enough to attend her MAW party and I am sure He will make her well enough to enjoy the trip to Disneyworld. Blessings to you all, Judy.

  7. joyce says:

    So glad Aria was able to make the party.Love the pics.Praying now for complete healing and that the MAW trip will be special for the entire family. You all so deserve it and it will be a memory for a lifetime.

  8. Samantha Sutherland says:

    I’m so happy Aria made her party and started her make a wish journey!How exciting. She is always in my thoughts and prayers. Lots of love for big improvements in time for your big trip!

  9. Hannah says:


  10. Brian and Sandra says:

    Awwwww soooo cute 🙂

  11. iliganoa says:

    Hi Aria, hello princess, its been tough but always Papa is sooo faithful to you dear princess. I miss you sometimes because am over here in HKong with son Douglas’ family and sometimes I cannot get thru their computers. I love you and your dear family and I wish you Papa’s best my dear princess. Look forward to excellent health and enjoyable holiday outings ok ok ok.
    I love you, Mama Noa and family

  12. Jo says:

    What a week for you guys! Am praying for Aria.

    I find it so incredible to see Aria walking under her own steam! This is the little girl who a couple of months ago was battling to crawl.

    I pray the Lord helps you guys when you feel the intense fear of the past come up again, and the “What if” qu’s start to flood your mind. May the peace, comfort and strength he has blessed you with each day continue to help you through this time now. Love, JO

  13. Shirley Davy says:

    Yay for fun and friends and build a bear… glad you are having some nice times and hoping and praying for the simmering yucky stuff to dissolve and disappear. Much love. X

  14. Lori says:

    What a fun MAW party!!!! (Reagan went to BAB today with a friend too) So excited that everything went well….and that she had a good time! And will continue to pray for the actual MAW trip!! What exciting things await her (and you guys)!!!

  15. angie says:

    Dear Friends, what an amazing day this party was. I just wanted to bust out and bawl..cry..weep. Aria is so beautiful, radiant. She is walking, showing her humor and taking in so much. What a momentous occasion. Thank you for inviting us. Praja took her bear to church this morning. Love you all.

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