OR update- 10pm update - Aria MacDonald

OR update- 10pm update

Aria finally got to the OR at ten this morning.

The first attending did her scope and he said that everything looked great.  Which we kinda already knew but it was good to hear.  Which means it is a lymph node issue.  He did her last scope so has seen her airway and lungs before we were pleased it was him doing it again.

Aria is out of OR and breathing on her own, the breathing tube was removed.  So we waiting see if she can do it herself.  They will be doing hourly blood gases.  Going to be an interesting day.

Maybe tomorrow we will know what we are looking at but right now we rest and wait.  It is tough and we are hurting but keeping on keeping on.

From Hamish’s sister Megan:

But when I’m afraid, I will put my trust in you
I praise God for what he has promised
I trust in God
You keep track of all my sorrows
You have collected all my tears in your bottle
You have recorded each one in your book
This I know:  The Lord is on my side.
Ps 56


Aria’s blood gas came back much improved at 1.30.  Phew!  She is still working pretty hard to breathe but she is asleep and lying back on pillow.  This is a great sign!  The very first time we tried to extubate her after the first transplant she would lean forward and looked really scared.   She is on really high settings on the Hi Flow o2 but we have been able to wean a little so that is great.

I spent the morning at home with Asher and came in at 2pm.  It was tough to walk into her room and see that ventilator in her room that had stand there for so many difficult months.  It was off and not in use but there as ‘stand by’.

Asher is at the zoo with his little mate Issac and our friend Elaine.  Hamish had a tough night sleep and early wake up with an 8am trip to the OR.  He’s a trooper and has gone home for a rest and shower.

If you have a moment you can watch this little story about an amazing little girl waiting for a liver transplant.  The surgeon who did Aria’s 2nd transplant features too as does Aria herself very briefly.

10pm Update Aria is still doing great.  Have managed to wean her o2 pretty well although we have had to slow it down.  Unfortunately she has a little hole in her lung which has caused an air leak.  Thankfully, oddly enough, Aria’s lungs are pretty tough due to her lung disease and therefore it didn’t end up collapsed.  But we need to keep her lungs well oxygenated so that the air on the outside of her lungs will be absorbed.

She is sleeping alot and she has the most wild hair do- pigtails gone crazy!   She won’t thank me for posting a pic when she is older!

Hopefully tomorrow we might start getting most results.

14 Responses to “OR update- 10pm update”

  1. Bracefield family says:

    We are praying for you all at Redeemer.
    May God be pleased to enable Aria to breath by herself.
    In Christ
    The Bracefields

  2. Shirley Davy says:

    We are praying for you our dear friends. May you know peace and rest as you wait. Much love. X

  3. Tiffany Keller says:

    Praying & hoping that she will be able to breathe on her own, and stay well! Praying for all of you! God Bless!

  4. Susan Keam says:

    Aria, Anita, Hamish and Asher,
    we are praying for you, hurting with you. We ask that God would give the doctors wisdom as they deal with the lymph node issue and work out what is the most appropriate treatment, and that He would give healing to Aria and comfort to you all.

  5. joyce says:

    Just praying for some good news and peace and rest for all of you.Stay strong and keep the faith.

  6. Cork and Carol says:

    Thanks for sharing the video about Hope and, of course, it was fun to see you and Aria, even briefly. Just so many waiting, hurting people in this world! We are saying some prayers for you all and for Hope and sending you all LOTS of love!

  7. Bronwyn says:

    Hang in there…I can identify with how it must be up and down on this ride still… let the rest of us carry you with our prayers.

  8. Samantha Sutherland says:

    So good to hear Aria is breathing well and making a good recovery – keep it up precious girl!

  9. joyce says:

    Thanks for 10:00 update. Praying for a good night for all.

  10. Cousins Kathleen and Anita says:

    Un abrazo for each one of you tonight.
    Aria will understand what that is because she watches Mickey Mouse in spanish!

  11. Natalie and Cody says:

    Am praying all goes well for Aria

  12. Haley W says:

    Praying you all catch up on all your sleep, so you can be refreshed for your days ahead. May the specialist find what they need to, and that Arias oxygen requirement may come down. Praying that you will all get a much deserved trip to Disneyland and Thank you Lord for strenthening the McDonald whanau xxx ps Shes just gorgeous xxx

  13. Judy Palmer says:

    Praying for Aria to improve and for you to have much needed rest. Blessings to you all, Judy.

  14. Rebecca Breen says:

    Thinking of you heaps. xxx

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“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11