The wonders of His love - Aria MacDonald

The wonders of His love

Psalm 31:21-22 (New International Version, ©2011)

21 Praise be to the LORD,
for he showed me the wonders of his love
when I was in a city under siege.
22 In my alarm I said,
“I am cut off from your sight!”
Yet you heard my cry for mercy
when I called to you for help.

We are still waiting for final confirmation but:

Aria does not have PTLD/post transplant cancer

Aria does not have Graft V Host/her organs rejecting her body.

Aria is home.

We cried to the Lord in weak feeble voices and He heard.  You cried to Him on our behalf and He heard.  He delivered her.

Aria does have a very bad case of mono/EBV/glandular fever.

Aria is at serious risk of infection because of suppressed infection fighting cells.

But despite needing O2 at night and being a bit more sleepy she is pretty well.   We continue to pray this is the extent of her illness, the new drug starts to work and she is spared from infection.

Hamish and I have had a VERY rough time.  For many reasons.  It has been a HUGE emotional rollercoaster.  Please keep praying for us for strength and relaxation.  We are going to be busy with Aria care, twice weekly visits to the hospital for a top up of platelets and blood.

THANK YOU a thousand times for your love and support.  We loved the beautiful comments and messages.  Thank you for sharing your hearts with us and encouraging us.  It does make a difference.  Your prayers make a bigger one 🙂

44 Responses to “The wonders of His love”

  1. Natalie and Cody says:

    praise god — my goodness what a roller coaster ride for you — am praying for you and Hamish for strength, serenity, unity, and a calm inner being – breathe deep and keep going you guys are an inspiration

  2. Brian and Sandra says:

    How wonderful and great is that!!!??? What a massive relief! 🙂

  3. Carolyn O'Cain says:

    Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!!! SO happy for all of you! Continuing to pray… In His mighty love…

  4. Jessica Gibson says:

    wow guys that is awesome!!!!! isn’t she so amazing! I am typing with a big smile 🙂

  5. Larry says:

    Wow. That is truly-dooley amazing and a real answer to prayer.
    What a huge huge relief. Not out of the woods yet, but at least two battles you don’t have to fight.
    I hope you manage to get some good sleeps in to restore your energy, even though with Miss Aria home that might be easier said than done.

  6. Taryn says:

    Praise the Lord! Oh, I am so relieved. I pray that God gives you little nooks and crannies of time in these next days to do some processing and grieving the stress that you endured, as well as time to rest. Blessings, friends.

  7. Shirley says:

    Totally delighted my friends! Praise the Lord…. totally wonderful. PRaying for strength as you continue to care for Aria and each other. Much love .X

  8. Kiwi Hannah says:

    Wow!!! What an amazing testimony. And what a rough ride all wrapped up together. Praying for you all. Arohanui xx

  9. Katie says:

    Wow, you simply must be the most amazing people God ever made! I pray for your continued strength and courage xx

  10. lindsey says:

    In 2 Samuel 7 God makes a promise to David and he responds in prayer saying, “Who am I, O Soverign Lord, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?” And ends his prayer by praying “Now be pleased to bless the house of your servant, that it may continue forever in your sight; for you, O Soverigh Lord, have spoken, and with your blessing the house of your servant will be blessed forever.”

    I can barely read the beginning of Davids prayer without tears from my heart resonating those very words “what is my family that you have brought us THIS FAR!!”

    I am PRAISING God that you are HOME, cancer and g vs host free, and recovering! He has brought you this far. Praying that our Sovereign Lord will continue to bless you, his servants, for your faithfulness in times of extreme trial.

    Love your family, so glad to have you as brothers and sisters in Christ, our Healer and Protector.


  11. Jeannie Overall says:

    Our God is an awesome God and his miracles continue to astound us! How he must love to hear our prayers and petitions-How he loves us to talk to him and how he loves to bless us, his children-How he loves you, Anita and Hamish and Asher and Aria!
    What wonderful news you have given us! How we love to pray for you! God bless-love, Jeannie

  12. Lisa says:

    WOOOHOOOO FANTASTIC news, best wishes and huge hugs!

  13. Joan Marshall says:

    What a lovely sunny day in Palmerston North and what better to top it off than to hear your great news. I’m so sure Aria will get thru all this and for you to all come out the other side in a few months will be the answer to everyone’s prayers. More warm fuzzies to you all and lots of love and prayers from me.

  14. Marilyn says:

    what a relief – Aria is such a little fighter and so deserves to be well and happy as you do also. My heart goes out to you when you are under such stress.

  15. Cork and Carol says:

    PRAISES!! So grateful for the good news. Praying for a good weekend for you all and Aria’s continued fight against this mono. God has seen you through so many things. Just love you all to pieces!!
    Carol for us both

  16. Anna says:

    WHOHOOOOOO – Praise the Lord for he is great!

  17. iliganoa says:

    Halleluia halleluia, praise you Papa for all your blessings on Hamish,Anita,Ashe and Princess Aria, we love yu guys,Noa.

  18. Viv says:

    SO, SO, SO HAPY TO READ THIS NEWS!!!! Our God is an awesome God!!!

  19. Sheryl says:

    Brilliant news! Wishing you all the very best.

  20. Tiffany Keller says:

    Oh PRAISE THE LORD for that! I am SO HAPPY to hear that she doesn’t have PTLD, or Graft V Host! Mono can be serious too, so I will definitely continue to pray for Aria! I pray that God will continue to give you strength, and peace, and that you will be ale to catch up on your sleep! God Bless!

  21. susan says:

    yay!!! So glad Aria is home. Thanks God!

  22. Anjela says:

    Oh my word – that is so sososososos cool!!!! how cool – how cool is our God – we are super chuffed to hear the first reports of “It is not….” what good news. We are praying for you both that you get a chance at ‘normal’ between you both, and as a family of four – increasingly over the days and weeks to come. Those footprints in the sand may still remain one set for a while, and that is OKAY!! don’t beat up on yourselves – rant and rave as needed and when necessary – keep us posted when you have energy – the webbies

  23. Liz Smith says:

    I was worried about opening this email – you have been on my mind heaps. But what a relief – your news brought tears to my eyes! Hang in there, Anita and Hamish. Sending my love and best wishes for Aria.

  24. Lisa says:

    Wow!! How wonderful. Congratulations on coming out the other side again.

  25. Bronwyn says:

    Still praying for you all. It IS a long road and a tough journey you are STILL on.

  26. Angela (24B) says:

    Awesome news, have been thinking of you guys and sending good wishes your way. Aria is such a strong girl xxx

  27. Samantha Sutherland says:

    We are so happy to hear this news. Gosh you must be so exhausted and drained, I guess it all too much sometimes huh. Always thinking of you all and sending all our love and thoughts your way. Hugs to you both – you are fantastic parents and partners. xxx

  28. Sheryl says:

    Best news I’ve heard all day.

    Love to you all, and praise to God for prayers answered.

  29. Maree says:

    Arias journey even made it into the Southland Times this week, may your days get better

  30. Ruth says:

    Oh I am so happy, relieved, excited but still concerned for you because of all you’ve been through! Thank you God for answering our prayers and please bring rest to Anita and Hamish!

  31. Mirren says:

    Hallelujah!! God is good. I’ll keep you all in my prayers, and will praising God for His mercy and grace.

  32. Rod & Margaret says:

    Psalm 18:6 – ” In my distress I called to the LORD; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears.”

    What wonderful news, praise God re the tests proving there was no cancer. Praying for total, speedy healing for glandular fever and much needed rest for you both.

    2.Jer 29:11: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. xx

  33. Bland family says:


  34. uncle bruce says:

    Haha what else can we say???God is so good!!!He uses uncertainty to draw us to Him and man what a deliverer of goodness He is!!! love you guys xoxo

  35. Joyce says:

    Thank you GOD. I put all the needs in his hands and he took care of it. I felt such a sense of peace last night and woke this morning to this good news.
    Just take time now if you can and rest and let his work continue .You are such an amazing family and such an inspiration to all.Praying for your strength to be there. I cannot imagine being on your journey thus far.Thank you for sharing the good and the bad.

  36. Samantha says:

    Great news 🙂 So pleased to hear that it’s not PTLD or Graft V. God heard all our prayers and answered and carried you during your time of need 🙂 Will keep on praying that Aria goes from strength to strength. God bless x

  37. Nikki says:

    Phew!!!!!! 🙂

  38. Linda Crosbie says:

    Sooooooo happy you have had results that give some great relief. Like most say not out of the woods yet but now your medical team can focus on the support and medication to assist in recovery. Oh the power of prayer, imagine how many times your names have been given up. That power is strong. Not long till I fly out. I am so looking forward to visiting you. Much love xxxx

  39. Steph VG says:

    Our God is an AWESOME God! xxxxxx

  40. Jane says:

    You guys are amazing!!! just needed to tell you that. Reminded me of when we were going through a dark time and God spoke to me and said I appeared to the men “in the furnace” to Daniel “in the Lions Den” and Peter and Paul “in prison” God does and is showing up in your darkest hour. Keep Faith little one’s your Father knows what you have need of and is strong to provide. Your living testimony is an inspiration and blessing to thousands of people.

  41. Eileen says:

    Was lovely to see Aria’s smiling face on the front page of the Dominion Post this morning, even though I had already read the news here (and read it out to everyone in my family). Go Aria, go!

  42. Christine says:

    Such a scary rollercoaster ride for all of you! So happy that Aria doesn’t have the cancer or Graft V Host. Hang in there, you’re doing a brilliant job! 😀

  43. Joyce says:

    Just to let ou know you are all in our prayers
    today and pray you are getting some much needed rest.

  44. Jo says:

    For you to say it’s been rough Anita – it’s been VERY rough!!!!! I am so grateful to the Lord for these answered prayers. Am praying that the Lord will continue upholding Aria, protecting her from any germs or bugs. I pray for good health for the rest of you, particularly as you are so tired.

    I wish you were in Auckland,
    NZ so we could give you meals, flowers, babysitters, hugs, gift baskets of goodies, do your housework, send you both out for a good back massage!!

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“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11