Getting tired of miracles yet? - Aria MacDonald

Getting tired of miracles yet?

Yesterday we did the blood test for Aria’s EBV/Mono/G Fever.  Her count got as high as 9 million at last count and today it is………



This is a huge drop and very unexpected.  The Infectious Disease team told us we would optimistic if it dropped a bit but in reality we should be happy if at least it didn’t get higher.  So the result today is very very good.  Considering she has only had two doses of the medicine.

Also, finally, Aria’s outputs are better!  She has been able to go back up on feeds 80 tonight and goal is 100.

What is less than miraculous is that Aria has been admitted since Sunday.  We took her in for high fevers and turns out she has a pneumonia.  Not a terrible one but not a great one.  She has improved with a change to IV ABX but has plateaued the past couple of days and still spiking temps so they switched them today.

We have had friends over from NZ and to stay with us for a couple of days.  Sadly we were in hospital but Hamish and I got to spend time with them and they visited Aria in hospital.  We had a great time with them.  Asher really took to Peter and Margaret (and they to him) in a very short space of time and was quite heartbroken this morning when they left.  So Hamish is taking him to the movies today to distract him and cheer him up.

Today we are really praying that Aria will not spike a fever in the morning tomorrow and we can get home!  Having only one day at home allowed us to recharge our batteries but we need more.

Everyone is asking me today:  Did you see the Biggest Loser last night??  Apparently they were in Auckland jumping off the Sky Tower and doing all that kinda stuff.  Of course everyone is saying ‘NZ is so beautiful!’  I missed it because I was talking with our guests but maybe it is a good thing cause it would of made me homesick 😀

16 Responses to “Getting tired of miracles yet?”

  1. Tiffany Keller says:

    That is great news! I will of course continue to pray, that Aria continues to get better! No, I missed the Biggest Loser episode last night. Darn, I would have loved to see that. The show Kate Plus 8, on TLC is going to be doing the same thing. Hope you have a great day! God Bless!

  2. Bill & Delwyn Cockrell says:

    Wonderful news !!! Praise the Lord for his goodness. Great that Peter and Margaret were able to come and visit. Praying that Aria contnues to improve.

  3. Christine MacDonald says:

    Awesome news!! Praise God, continuing to pray for Aria that she will get better soon and come home. Hope Ashie enjoyed the movie, pleased you had a nice visit with Peter and Margaret. Lots of love

  4. Lisa Robertson says:

    Never tired of miracles…. especially where Aria is concerned!!!!
    Love to you all xxxxxxx

  5. Shirley says:

    That it so totally wonderful, so pleased for you all. So grateful to God for doing more than we can ever imagine. Praying that temp stays away so you can get home. Much love X

  6. Joyce says:

    Such good news. God is so good. He just continues to bless Aria. Praying for good days and rest for you both.

  7. Lyaine says:

    So pleased to hear the news. God is an awesome God,

  8. susan says:

    That’s so awesome! Prayers for a peaceful and relaxing weekend.

  9. Kay and Tom says:

    I never get tired of hearing about miracles – especially yours! I DID see the Biggest Loser last night and thought of you folks the entire time. . . and prayed for you. Last night was another one of those sleepless nights for me and, once again, I lifted you before the Lord and asked Him to bless you with some peaceful days when you can rest and renew your strength. God is good!

  10. Samantha Sutherland says:

    I am so happy for you all – what a great boost to your spirits to have such a positive result from the bloods. Keep it up Aria! Hugs xxx

  11. angie says:

    Never EVER tierd of hearing about God at work in Aria’s life.

  12. iliganoa says:

    ummmmm so nice yep I just love all the miracles that God is bringing out of your lives and I expect even more amen, God bless you all and was nice to have friends visiting you and Aria well God is just so superdaddy to us all halleluia. I expect more relaxing times for you all; praise the Lord o my soul and all that is within me bless His holy Name, thank you Papa, love you all.

  13. Nola Young says:

    Lord we never tire of your miracles and we look for you to complete this work. The article in the Ostomy magazine is now out – will send you a copy. So glad that Peter and Margaret were able to visit. Trust that the downward trend for her count will continue and very soon you can be home again. Blessings and with our eyes ever to the Lord. “Open your mouth wide and I will fill it” (Ps 81)

  14. Rod & Margaret says:

    Wonderful to hear what God is doing and Aria is so much better. We’ll keep praying for more miracles. So pleased Peter & Margaret have been to visit. Every so often we feel to pray for someone from ‘home’ to visit and uplift you. Thank you Lord. xx

  15. Bland family says:

    So happy to hear things are improving. Have been praying that God will ensure Aria is well enough so that the McDonald family can come home to Sky Tower bungy-jumping land. Only in NZ. Love to you all. XXX

  16. Cork and Carol says:

    Prayed for Miss Aria and you all this a.m. Hoping for HOME, soon!!! And REALLY hope it works out to see you all soon, too.

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