Hello Limboland! Oh how we missed you!
Had a hugely busy day yesterday as Hamish has said. Finally checked my emails at around 7pm only to be completely stunned at what was there.
The MoH are saying we can’t go until the contract with Omaha is signed. And when will it be signed? “Sorry can’t give a time frame, it is out of our hands”
ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
I was wild. On Friday they said proceed with bookings you are all good to go. Now it is all up in the air. What on earth is stopping them sorting a three page contract, which they have written before for another patient going to Omaha, is beyond me. And there total lack of accountibility is shocking.
So I just lost the plot.
I feel like we have no voice. What do you do when your arguement with the Government!? And the people you deal with are their employees?
But I know we stand with the longest, strongest most powerful voice with us. Gods. But I cried last night asking how much more He will require of me.
So today I am checking out, apart from this blog. I have managed to lose my cellphone and I am not that sad about it. I feel pulled in hundred directions and and constantly being asked questions and having to make decisions about things I don’t care about.  So No email, no Cellphone, no Phone. Except for a code Hamish and I figured out so he can call me. Hamish is handling all coms with Starship and I am out. Cause he is a bloke and can handle plus it’s his job and he is happy to do it.
Tonight I guess we will have to decide whether to go back to our MP and call the reporter who was keen for our story. I so don’t have the energy but something needs to be done.
Aria had a good night for which I was thankful for. Her legs are a bit better and she lost 500 grams of wees overnight. And no morphine. She slept pretty well so that is good.
I just want to be treated better by our government and want my daughter to live. We need to get on a plane.
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- Hirschsprung’s disease
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Starship Children’s Health
The hospital that takes great care of Aria - The Kids Foundation of NZ
The wonderful charity that supports Aria
# 2 Dec at 10:59 am
Nola Young says:hang in there girl. Remember to keep your eyes not on the circumstances but on the God of the circumstances. He does have a way through all this. Will be praying much as I lie on my hospital bed! Much love. Maybe I can come and visit in Omaha!
# 2 Dec at 11:31 am
Anna Smart says:Hopefully this is one of those times that you look back on as one that was full of troubles, but that worked out in the end, which I’m sure it will.
I say go to the reporter, but I’m not in your shoes 🙂 although, I’ve had one of those days where I want to give up and hide in a hole for the rest of it, so I have huge empathy with you today.
Hang in there. xx
# 2 Dec at 12:39 pm
Fiona says:Much love coming your way- wish we could all whisk all this rubbish out of the way for you- what IS wrong with the-powers-that- be????? Let’s all agree TOGETHER for a miracle. GOD REIGNS
# 2 Dec at 12:40 pm
Jodee Reid says:Call me if you need to.
Make sure you get that hair cut? – yes it is a priority! Trust me I can not remember what was so important in my last few days in NZ that required all my time/energy but I would kill now for a decent haircut! Okay I remember what was important the bags, medical supplies, TPN but please do that one thing for yourself! Hope the phone never finds its way back and that the contract gets into the right hands today.
# 2 Dec at 12:47 pm
Corina says:Oh hun I SOOO feel for you. Rest in His powerful and gentle embrace. God will make a way where there seems to be no way! Much love and prayers and thoughts xxx
# 2 Dec at 12:57 pm
Sue D says:I will be praying for Gods peace for you. Peace that passes all understanding. I can only image how you are feeling. You are doing just so well. Good on you for doing what you need to do to get through.
# 2 Dec at 12:58 pm
Ali/nerdygirl says:Oh babe. It is completely reasonable to have a meltdown at this point. I agree with Jodee – get the haircut!! It will give you an hour to yourself and make you feel heaps better!
Love you lots.
Ali xoxo
# 2 Dec at 1:11 pm
Tiffany says:I’m so sorry to hear this! Government people just don’t understand, & have no compassion for dire circumstances. I’m sorry they did this to you! I pray that they will get things moving somehow!
# 2 Dec at 1:34 pm
Lisa Robertson says:Crap!!! Just for once can’t things be simple??? Thinking of you today, hope they get it sorted asap. If the reporter is needed then go for it, the battle is for your daughter! Stay strong xxxx
# 2 Dec at 1:58 pm
Brenda says:Anita and Hamish, You have fought to push this frontier to the limits.. and you are winning, this hurdle placed in front of you will be crushed… so hang on in their girl, but glad you had a meltdown…
cos behind each powerful man is a woman.. and you are spurring Hamish on knowing that what is behind him wont take NO for an answer, so his power will be super-strength!!.
And with both your strong faith you are more than super..
It seems public opinion rules this land, so if you feel its time to use the publicity, then GO for it
Your PNDU family will be there supporting you, just sorry we have very little grunt as yet.
# 2 Dec at 3:27 pm
Steph van Garderen says:Far out! Can’t even begin to imagine what you guys must be going through, but through all of this hold fast to the God who is in control of all things, and know that He will not give you more than what you can endure. Having said that, wow, you guys must be stronger than most of us! Love and hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# 2 Dec at 3:39 pm
Nikki says:I don’t believe this!!! OK, so if it’s ‘out of THEIR hands’, as they say, whose hands is it in (I’m talking about in an earthly sense)? Give me their e-mail, and I’ll write to them (and so will everybody else on here, I’ll bet), and put a bomb under them.
Hamish, Anita, Asher and Aria, I’m so sorry you are going through this.
# 2 Dec at 7:20 pm
Natalie says:Anita and Hamish I am so very sorry they are stuffing you around, I am so angry and dissapointed at the utter disregard for Aria and your family 🙁
Love to you xoxo