Let’s get physical…. - Aria MacDonald

Let’s get physical….

Aria’s life at the moment is in a strange holding pattern. Everything that happens is kind of marking time in anticipation of the ‘call’. Progress and set backs are all measured in will this help or hurt Aria when it comes time to get the new replacement parts. Today we saw from Aria progress that will help Aria in her transplant.

We have been trying to build up Aria’s strength so she will be better able to get through and make progress after the next grueling operation that she faces. One of the ways we do this is to put her into her wheelchair to develop her core strength and balance. Today the physical therapist (not Aria’s favourite person even though they are lovely) decided to give Aria a good workout while she was sitting in her chair and what she achieved blew me away. Aria did some kicking of her legs out in front of her, some assisted but she did about 4 on each leg totally unassisted. She then did some reaching up above her head to touch the therapists hands and even managed to do some of those unassisted. What was especially good to see was her starting to get some good movement in her left arm which is normally restricted in its movement by the ventilator. Following these efforts she did some flapping of her elbows like a butterfly or chicken. She did these all by herself and reminded of the good old days when Aria would watch the Wiggles and do her favourite dance ‘The Flap’.

It is great Aria getting stronger and better prepared for what is next. As I say it is all about the next transplant but at least she is in a good place for it.

In other good news, the Infectious Disease specialist was amazed with how sensitive the Pseudomonas that is in her blood is. She was so amazed in fact that she told me she was going to frame the page of results and put it on the wall of her office. It is amazing, but then again, we have an amazing God.

17 Responses to “Let’s get physical….”

  1. joyce says:

    Thank you Lord for the progress.Sounds like Aria is just preparing her body for the strength she will need for transplant soon.I am so happy with the news and the answered prayers so far.I know it gives mom and dad a good feeling to see these good days.
    Will keep the prayers coming.

  2. Rebecca Breen says:

    That is all fantastic news! Great to hear. We don’t just have an amazing God, we have an amazing Aria. She is so brave. Good girl!

  3. Robyn says:

    The news is great, but scary. Does this mean that a lot more fundraising has to be done for another transplant?

  4. Christy says:

    Yay for the sensitive pseudomonas! (hard word to spell). Cyber hugs for Aria from Kiannah ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  5. Janina says:

    Thankyou Lord, thankyou Lord!!

  6. Lyaine says:

    Yes thank you Lord and Amen. go aria Go. Keep up all the exercise you are improving and getting stronger all the time. Thank you Anita and Hamish for sharing.

  7. Judy Palmer says:

    Praise the Lord for He has done great things especially in Aria’s life.Keep up the good work Aria.Wonderful news about pseudonomas.
    Praying for you all.

  8. Samantha Sutherland says:

    Well done Aria – you ALWAYS blow me away with your strength and determination to succeed – and I’m sure you always will suceed!

  9. jen says:

    wtg!!! Aria

    you go girl
    your such a good girl 🙂

  10. Nola Young says:

    that is all fantastic. Every little gain of strength is to be celebrated! yea for Aria and her physio!

  11. Sharon says:

    Glad to hear all is progressing nicely. keep up the good work Aria 🙂

  12. Christine MacDonald says:

    Great news about her physio and the bugs, good work Aria you are such a strong wee girl. Praise God

  13. Priscilla says:

    Praise God! 🙂

  14. Sera says:

    Indeed we have an amazing God……..Aria has Amazing parents too…..you give her reason to hung on. Our miracle is on the way.

  15. Belinda - LF says:

    Keep on fighting miss Aria, both you, your parents, your brother and God are Awesome!!!
    We are praying for you princess.

  16. Brian and Sandra says:

    We were blown away as we were watching Hey Hey It’s Saturday (on a Wednesday night… go figure!) and Olivia Newton John was judging the non talent quest segment Red Faces. There was a contestant who was trying to sing Olivia’s Let’s Get Physical. We were dropping in to have a look at Aria’s blog at the time on the laptop and what is the title of the blog?!!!
    Must admit though, no where as blown away as we always are by this Family’s courage, love and faith.

    Our love as always

  17. Tiffany Keller says:

    That is wonderful news! Go Aria!!! 🙂 She amazes me, & she is such a fighter! I pray things continue to go well! God Bless!

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“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11