Medical blog lingo - Aria MacDonald

Medical blog lingo

HR- Heart rate

BP- Blood pressure

PT- Physical therapy

OR- Operating room

ABX- Anti biotics

WBC- White blood cell count- a marker of infection

5 Responses to “Medical blog lingo”

  1. joyce says:

    Such great news. Pray things continue so all of you can rest a little easier and especially ARIA.She seems like such a little fighter.

  2. Maretaf says:

    Aawwww Wow!! Blessing to the nurses and Doctors and all the lil helpers….and specially to strong lil girl! no doubt you get it from you parents..Awesome! newz..
    “KEEP UP THE AWESOME GREAT WORK” you lovely nurses & doctors and the kind Hearted ppl out there. Mwaah!!
    *makes a heart shape with both hands above head* 🙂

  3. Nola Young says:

    rejoicing with you for this most encouraging result at this stage! Oh the goodness of the Lord who hears our cries to Him. Praying for the days ahead. much love

  4. Lyaine says:

    bless every one. keep up the good work aria, you appear to be doing really well.

  5. Marie says:

    We are praying for a quick, safe and Godly recovery and for continue good results. Blessings from NZ

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