24 hours in.. - Aria MacDonald

24 hours in..

Well we are about a day into to Transplant 2010 v2.0 and things are going along alright.

The big theme of the day was Aria shrugging off any and all attempts to keep her sedated and then spending that time when she wasn’t sleeping begging for water.

This made for a particularly challenging day for Anita who had to balance calming Aria down and chasing the staff to see what else could be done for Aria’s sedation.

So far there doesn’t seem to be any major issues flowing on from the transplant. Some of her blood chemistry is a bit off which is probably causing the thirst and her urine output has slowed a bit which was to be expected.

We are really hoping the morning brings a new plan for keeping her settled and rested and that the thirst subsides and she feels better about the world. Please pray for this in particular.

21 Responses to “24 hours in..”

  1. uncle b says:

    Bro, hope that review recovery plan (whatever they’re called) comes through for you guys nice and clear. We pray for extra physical comfort and that feeling of goodness for Aria during this time even if they are just moments so as to tide her over to the next hour, and the next, and the next. lots of love xoxo

  2. Lisa says:

    Best wishes for some answers for her in the morning. Lots of love and hugs to you both.

  3. Judy Palmer says:

    Praying that Aria has a restful night and for answers about how to treat her discomforts.

  4. Samantha Sutherland says:

    Thinking of you all during this recovery time. Hoping Anita chased those docs down and got some action! Keep up the great work!

  5. Rebecca Breen says:

    You guys are doing so well. And thanks so much for keeping us all updated. You’re amazing. Thinking of you every minute. Love you lots.

  6. Kathleen and Anita says:

    We have included Aria in our weekly prayer requests that go out to some 90 people in various countries, so there are an extra lot of folk out there praying for you all this week!
    Keep trusting your loving heavenly Father. He is watching over you.

  7. Yvonne says:

    So pleased to hear all is going as well as can be expected at this early stage.
    Again I was unable to comment after reading of the Ultimate Mothers Day gift as was so overwhelmed & happy for you. Well Waitangi & & Mothers Day will be such a highlight on your future calanders….give or take a day cos of time difference. Trust Miss Aria to choose special days to do special things what a little trooper & a precious gem.

    I do not see the 1st t/plant as a failure but as a ‘loan, temporary stop bank’ to tide her over. As she was so critically ill at the time of the 1st, those organs gave her some much needed time to recuperate & strengthen her little body in preparation for accepting the new strangers into her life. This vital role was accomplished & she went down to recieve the new ones with more strength, moving limbs & smiles…. a much better place for her sweet little body to be to ride this next phase of her journey.
    Many may think this scenario silly & crazy, but that’s ok.

    Blessings to you all

  8. fiona says:

    lovely article in the Christchurch Press today- with pic of Aria and Green Dolly. Keep up the good work guys- you are all doing well

  9. Linda Crosbie says:

    Yvonne I think you have said it well and agree totally. Miracles happen in many forms and the first one was a tiding over till Mothers day. MacDonald family you are all amazing beyond words. Take care. Xxxx

  10. jen says:

    pleased to know Aria is going great
    praying as always

  11. Shirley Davy says:

    So great to read how Aria is doing….Wise words from Yvonne – may you all know extra strength these days… much love. X

  12. Maddy says:

    Hey guys,
    praying for you all the time, great to see Aria has been given a new transplant. Praying super hard that it goes well for little Aria.
    Much love xx

  13. charleen says:

    i am a newbie, and have spent most of the day reading about precious aria & her life journey. i saw a link this morning in trade me general board, and felt compelled to read her story.

    praise god for the miracle of her life!!

    i almost feel as if i know all of you, hamish, anita, aria & asher.

    i will be adding aria to my prayers, for a rapid recovery.

    aria and asher are just beautiful kids, both gifts from god.

    i have put her blog in my favourites, & will continue to read her progress, and pray for your family.

    god bless you.
    aria & asher are so beautiful

  14. charleen says:

    i am a newbie, and have spent most of the day reading about precious aria & her life journey. i saw a link this morning in trade me general board, and felt compelled to read her story.

    praise god for the miracle of her life!!

    i almost feel as if i know all of you, hamish, anita, aria & asher.

    i will be adding aria to my prayers, for a rapid recovery.

    aria and asher are just beautiful kids, both gifts from god.

    i have put her blog in my favourites, & will continue to read her progress, and pray for your family.

    god bless you.

  15. Belinda - Liver family says:

    I totally agree Yvonne, I said that is a previous post. 🙂
    Praying that Aria’s thirst subsides.

  16. Doc and Sharon says:

    Praying, praying, praying…for sweet little Aria…. What a fighter!! God must have plans for this little sweetie!! Thank you God for who you are and for wrapping your arms around this family! Hugs…Doc and Sharon

  17. joyce says:

    Praying for your needs and thanks for prayers already answered.

  18. Tiffany Keller says:

    I’m so happy that Aria continues to do well, despite asking for water! God is so good! I will, of course, continue to pray for her! God Bless!

  19. Whaea Rachel and Room 13 says:

    Hello Aria

    We have been looking at your website and pictures and think you are doing very well and look really cute. We love seeing photos of you smiling.
    You are in our thoughts.
    Love and Hugs
    Room 13

  20. jackie regnier says:

    I have a 31/2 year old granddaughter……..so this hits close to home for me. I am so glad that you were selected so soon after you were put back on the transplant list. You are all in my prayers! God Bless!

  21. Natalie and Cody says:

    I am praying that this thirst and sedation issue is sorted out before the day is out and that Aria has a free road ahead with no complications ==== our thoughts are with you guys

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