You make me feel like dancing…. - Aria MacDonald

You make me feel like dancing….

Today was probably the best day with Aria that I have had since transplant. Although Aria has come through transplant to this point with flying colours, she has been pretty restless and intense the first three days. There was some nice moments in the day but they have been pretty demanding and draining on us as parents. In those three days we have spent with her she was only sleeping for about 30 minutes in a 12 hour period.

Today she slept more and was more relaxed and playful in the periods in between. It was a nice day for her and a really enjoyable day for me.

There were a couple of real highlights:

Aria getting a bath, holding up the different parts of her body that needed cleaning then, wanting me to wash her hair and having her sit back with a smile on her face as I massaged her head (even when the respiratory therapist was ‘massaging’ her chest).

Aria dancing to the song Dr Knickerbocker #9 on the Wiggles ‘You make me feel like dancing’ DVD.

Aria doing great during her physical therapy session, touching her nose and doing high fives with both hands and doing some bottom jumping. Then throwing the ball with both hands at another ball and then being sneaky and throwing it to the physical therapist who was watching.

She is doing really good, as good as we could ever have imagined. May God be gracious enough to keep this going forever…..

30 Responses to “You make me feel like dancing….”

  1. Lori Hollingsworth says:

    Amen and AMEN!!!!!!!!!

  2. jackie regnier says:

    How precious!

  3. Helma says:

    We rejoice with you!!!Thank you Lord!!Love from The Sonnevelds

  4. Greg Vawter says:

    Yes, she is doing well and quite active. I can hear her two rooms down the hall!!! Just kidding Hamish and Anita.

  5. Robyn T says:

    I have been following Aria’s story for a couple of years now and I’m so thrilled to hear these latest updates. My own children are not much younger than your two children and I can’t even begin to imagine the heartache you guys have suffered and the decisions you have had to make over the last few years.

    So wonderful to hear that she is doing so much better this time around.

  6. Linda Crosbie says:

    WOW. You are getting so many blessings now with Aria’s progress. Treasure them all. I know you say there will be more difficult times to come. The meds do play havoc especially the steriod type ones but you are in the best place with all that medical expertise and the support you get from the wonderful people in your Omaha community. At work are totally in awe of your strength and honesty when it gets raw for you. Much love from the FPF team. Kia kaha. XXXX

  7. Judy Palmer says:

    So pleased for you that Aria is still doing well. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praying for continued improvement. Yours in Christ, Judy.

  8. charleen says:

    praise god that aria continues to do well.

    i bet she enjoyed that bath. aria, sweetheart, you just keep up the good work. there’s a lot of people, some you will never know, cheering you on honey, and you just amaze us with your strength & courage.
    god bless you darling, and god bless mummy, daddy & asher too.

    keeping you all in my prayers.

  9. Lyaine says:

    Wow Praise God for the way Aria is going. She must be feeling good to start being cheaky with the pyshio, now that’ts good sign. I pray that aria will be allowed to reamin well and to continue to improve and get of some of those nasty medicines she has to be on at the moment.
    aria sweat go and go and go You amaze us all.

  10. Corina says:


  11. Martha says:

    Such great news!

  12. jeannie overall says:

    thanks for sharing that hamish-wonderful news for everyone-she’s some lady! God bless you all – jeannie

  13. Christine Blake says:

    Hamish and Anita, I just wanted to say that I think you are both very special parents. You are incredibly strong people who continue to amaze me with your commitment, courage and strength. Aria is a truly amazing little girl! Her strength against all odds and challenges she goes through on a daily basis is at times heartbreaking. She obviously gets her strength from her parents and the people around her wishing her lots of good thoughts. Your post “Holding our breath” on 11th May, was so honest. It truly touched me. My thoughts are with you all.

  14. Shirley Davy says:

    Wow…. so cool. We’re all enjoying her, how much more you guys must be!

  15. yvonne says:

    ths is just awesome news!!! so different to the first transplant!! She makes us all feel like dancing!!! All the praise and all the glory be to GOD!!!

  16. fiona says:

    AMEN- may it please the Lord to keep the good days coming

  17. Sharls (from liver families) says:

    YAY! YAY! YAY! I looove reading posts like this. So many prayers that this continues. Way to go Aria!

  18. Janet and Steve says:

    Praise The Lord !…He is so good!
    Really thrilled you are all getting some better quality time together, nice to see visible progress. You are a very special family, your testimony is touching so many people all over the world it is amazing.Praying for Gods healing hand on Aria and more ‘good’ days for you all.

  19. Samantha Sutherland says:

    What a lovely day you had today! Well done Aria – you are such a star – and such a sweetie. I am so pleased for you Ham and Anita to be getting such lovely times with her. I know how long the days are in hospital so to have so many highlights is just wonderful – heartwarming. Keep it up!

  20. Cath says:


  21. Joanne says:

    It is great to hear how well things are going this time round. You are all amazing, keep the good times rolling 🙂

  22. jen says:

    pleased for you all
    praying it continues

  23. Jude says:

    Beautiful child 🙂

  24. Christine MacDonald says:

    So glad Ham that you and Aria had a special day together and that Aria was more settled with some sleep time during the day.
    Yay for the fun she had, lovely to see Aria’s beautiful personality shining through.Nana felt like dancing when I read Daddy’s blog you are doing awesome sweetie. Praying that this progress will continue Praise God!!!!

  25. joyce says:

    So thankful for these good days. May she have many more.

  26. Carolyn O'Cain says:

    What wonderful news that Aria is feeling so well. Praying, praying, praying……
    In His love,
    Carolyn O’Cain

  27. Michelle & Dan says:

    So excited that things are still going well after transplant. We are praying that this will keep going forever! love and hugs

  28. liz & alo leota says:

    so pleased to hear that Aria is feeling so well, Praised God and may his blessing and protections over Aria and both of you.
    In his love, Liz and Alo

  29. Bronwyn says:

    What encouraging news… hold onto it and believe.. taking things as they come. God is looking after you all and rewarding you for your faith…praying for you constantly. xo <3

  30. Rolf and Helen says:

    Wow. Wow. Just WOW! How uplifting to hear, and how uplifting for you all! Much love to all of you, and special thoughts to Aria who is yet again showing her amazing courage and strength.

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