On the up…
Well we are glad to tell you that Aria’s last 24 hours have been better than the previous 24.
She has been pretty stable since the drama of yesterday. Her numbers are improving, the pH of her blood is creeping up, the CO2 content of her blood is coming down, they aren’t ‘normal’ yet but are no longer in the critical area.
She has also gotten off one of her blood pressure medication, and they have given her a ‘holiday’ from her paralytic. I haven’t seen any movement yet but she is pretty comfortable off it. They have also reduced the amount of oxygen they are giving her a lot which means she is needing less help than before.
There has been talk of dialysis today as she is very waterlogged and swollen (carrying about 6kgs of water) but they are going to leave it for today.
We still don’t have any definitive answer as to what has caused this BUMP, we have received one positive culture back from a swab they took inside her abdomen during surgery. It is probably a psuedomonas bug but they won’t know how nasty it is for a while, and even then we aren’t sure if that would cause all this drama.
Anyway we are grateful for the prayers that have been said for Aria and grateful that Aria is showing signs of improvement.
We aren’t out of the woods with this one yet but at least it doesn’t feel like the sky is falling anymore.
42 Responses to “On the up…”
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Progress meter: 75%
- Hirschsprung’s disease
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Starship Children’s Health
The hospital that takes great care of Aria - The Kids Foundation of NZ
The wonderful charity that supports Aria
# 22 May at 1:19 pm
Christine MacDonald says:Thank you Lord for improvements, may you continue to heal Aria’s wee body,lots of love to you all
# 22 May at 1:23 pm
jen says:so pleased it was just a bump
praying daily
so pleased shes improving
# 22 May at 1:45 pm
Tina Coleman says:Continuing to lift you guys up!
Love you all
# 22 May at 2:01 pm
Marybeth says:Always in my prayers nightly! Good luck Aria girl!
# 22 May at 2:10 pm
Fiona says:Cool glad she is on the up again, Aria is going to be a strong wee girl after all of this. Amazing how much some people have to go through!!
# 22 May at 2:12 pm
Bracefield family says:Great to hear of the improvement – will be praying for you all at Redeemer today.
In Christ
# 22 May at 2:29 pm
Brian and Sandra says:Thanks for the update. Glad there is improvement 🙂
Love as always
# 22 May at 2:37 pm
Natalie and Cody says:what a relief to read that – keep that CO2 level coming down Lord – am praying that Aria recovers from this quickly and we see rapid healing – Sending support thru those cyber cables from good old NZ
# 22 May at 3:04 pm
Lisa Robertson says:Just watched Attitude with the family – the Attitude team really do a great job, there were a few (many) tears. Was pleased to read Aria has improved some over the last 24 hours. Keeping you all in our thoughts and sending heaps of love. Lis xxx
# 22 May at 3:05 pm
Wendy says:Good luck to your all – My prayers are with you. I have been through a liver transplant that was horrrid – But this is so much bigger -you are so brave as family.Sending lots of best wishes, she is a gorgeous little girl and lucky to have you as parents.
# 22 May at 3:09 pm
joyce says:Praying for continued improvement for Aria and rest for mommy and daddy.Thank you Jesus for answered prayer once again.
# 22 May at 3:10 pm
Nicki Fraser & family says:my children and I just saw your story on TV1 in NZ this morning and we want to send you our thoughts and prayers ….. kia kaha
# 22 May at 3:12 pm
Jenni says:Just watched Arias story on Attitude with my 4 year old daughter. She was very concerned about Aria and wanted to come to the website to see how she was, so pleased to hear she is doing well today. You are a strong, inspirational couple and your faith in God is so encouraging even in the midst of the battle. I will be praying for you and Aria, for her healing and that God will strengthen you all. Lots of Love Jenni & Kaylah.
# 22 May at 3:25 pm
Shery. says:Thinking of you all at this time as I’m sure all of New Zealand is. Wonderful to hear that she is on the way to recovery – be it slowly.
Keeping you in our thoughts.
Sheryl & Family – New Zealand.
# 22 May at 3:36 pm
Tania says:I have just seen your story about Aria on TV1 this morning, and it has touched my heart. Young Aria sure is a wee fighter. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Keep strong.
# 22 May at 3:41 pm
Shirley Davy says:I sat whilst juggling Sam on my knee watching your story today…. I didn’t even try to stop the tears. The loneliness of your situation, the grief and joy wrapped into one each day with your 2 lovely kids and your so apparent faith in our loving God. Thank you for opening your lives to the world. God bless your day and we continue to pray for Aria and you all. XX
# 22 May at 3:43 pm
Nola Young says:I cried all the way through Attitude this morning. How we feel for you guys but continue to see that the lord is doing mighty things and giving you strength day by day. Oh to give you all a hug and hold you tight. So thankful to read of some improvement this morning. The Lord will carry you under the shelter of His wings. Much love
# 22 May at 3:46 pm
Kelli Jones says:Watched Attidue this morning to see Aria’s story. Am going to watch her tonight on tv. We send our prayers to you all. Godbless.
# 22 May at 4:02 pm
Daryl Pollock says:I watched attitude this morning and boy are you an amazing family. Aria and Asher are both very beautiful children. My thoughts and best wishes are to you all. Good luck with everything. good luck with your recovery Aria. xxxxxxxx
# 22 May at 4:09 pm
Susan says:Today I meet you via Aria’s story on Attitude this morning… I just don’t know what to say guys, as a parent my heart was breaking for you all as you were climbing this huge mountain…. You’ll get there, because with all that love you have for your beautiful daughter what other option would there be…
Love and strength to you all…
# 22 May at 4:10 pm
Sharalee says:Just watched you guys on Tv1. Can’t get the lump out of my throat. Your strength is inspirational. I can’t even start to imagine what you, your family and friends are going through. Your all amazing, especially Aria – what a little angel. Best wishes for the rest of your journey,and a safe,speedy return to New Zealand. Looking forward to the updates. Big Hugs x
# 22 May at 4:30 pm
mandli says:Great to hear today is better, lots of positive wishes that it continues to get better each day. Lots of love
# 22 May at 4:39 pm
Samantha Sutherland says:So happy to hear your update today. I know bumps are part of this road but still, it is good to get over each one and be recovering out the other side even if you don’t quite understand the reason for it yet. I hope Alex is enjoying her time with you guys and that you both are getting some time together.
# 22 May at 6:18 pm
Linley and Bill says:What a great job the attitude team have done in bring us the coverage of Arias journey, what an inspiration to all mothers and fathers you all are.We pray that Aria will continue to make good progress in the following days.
# 22 May at 6:33 pm
Sandra & Chance says:We have just seen your story on Attitude. We can’t begin to understand what you are all going through. Now that your story has been aired and more of us know about little Aria there will be loads more love, prayers and support coming your way. God bless you all, xxxx
# 22 May at 7:03 pm
Judy says:Just watched the story on Attitude about Aria and her wonderful family.Wishing you all the best as you go through this ordeal for Aria.She’s one special little girl.I remember seeing her first story and thinking she was brighter than her age which seems to be the case with seriuosly ill children.Attitude is my most favourite TV programme and I tape it if I can’t watch it at normal screening time.It’s a shame you have to be so far from home for her treatment but seems like the hospital staff are great caring people.Look after yourselves and I look forward to reading how it’s all going now I know about the website.
# 22 May at 7:06 pm
ROBERTS FAMILY says:Watched episode two on Aria this morning on Attitude,I can only imagine what you are going through as parents. So pleased to read there has been improvement today, hang in there she’s a fighter!!
# 22 May at 7:11 pm
Kathy _ Rotorua says:Exellent news stay srong our luv and prayers are with yous
# 22 May at 7:37 pm
Lou says:I watched the attitude programme this morning in New Zealand which brought your reality to my attention and made me want to look at Aria’s website as I wondered how she is going. Your family is an inspiration. Every blessing to you all in this huge journey. you have such courage.
# 22 May at 7:38 pm
Alisa says:Saw the Documentary – it was well done and good to see you all and hear your voices.
Thinking of you all – especially Aria xox
# 22 May at 7:58 pm
Anjela says:Also watched ‘Attitude” this morning – what a journey for you all – our family will be praying for you all, and will see what initiatives we can put in place in our various work environments to raise support. Had not heard of Aria’s battle, so this programme ‘Attitude’ is dynamic in sharing with a wider population the hard graft that some face. Your willingness to share your faith in its many facets was inspiring – hang in there, you are sending an amazing message to many.
# 22 May at 8:24 pm
Julia says:Like Angela (above) I saw Aria’s story on Attitude and was deeply moved by her courange and the depth of compassion she is given by her family and hospital staff. God uses every opportunity to bring about His purpose for our lives. Aria and her family are God’s gift to us. May He strengthen them day by day.
# 22 May at 11:06 pm
Julia aka j-j says:I held my 3 year old daughter while watching you all on TV this morning over here in NZ – you guys really are amazing and how wonderful it must’ve been to hear that the NZ Govt were going to fund another transplant…it must feel like it was all so long ago you to guys as you’ve been through so much since. But speaking as a mum of one beloved 3 year old to the parents of another, I can’t imagine anyone bregrudging any family of the kind of $ needed. Every child is precious, and yes, if it was my own I’d want others to feel the same. I continue to pray for you all and hope Aria grows stronger and better.
# 22 May at 11:42 pm
Jimmy says:You’re a wee champ Aria. You can get through this, be strong keep fighting. Arohanui MacDonald family xoxo
# 23 May at 12:00 am
Robyn says:That’s great news. Saw the TV 1 programme this morning. It seemed really good. It’s nice they give a fair coverage of what is actually going on for you.
# 23 May at 1:13 am
Lisa says:It was so special to watch Aria’s fight on TV this morning. My Mum and I were both moved to tears. Its great to hear Aria is doing a bit better today. Thank you for sharing your story. Anita and Hamish – you are truely amazing and you have 2 beautiful amazing children. I hope and pray for good things for you all. You so deserve it. Aria is so courageous, such an inspiration. Keep your chins up. There are so many people thinking and praying for you. You are always in my thoughts. Lisa
# 23 May at 2:18 am
Jackie says:Saw Aria’s story today on Attitude TV, what an amazing inspirational family you are. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. We are sending positive vibes to you all, and will be following Aria’s progress.
# 23 May at 4:05 am
Mark and Jo says:So glad Aria’s doing better today. We continue to pray and lift you all up before our sovereign Father. Attitude did a great job of covering Aria’s story. Made me miss you guys more though! Hope you 2 are getting some time out together with aunty Alex there to help 🙂 Hugs xx
# 23 May at 4:19 am
Judy Palmer says:Praise God for improvements, He is really holding Aria in His healing hand.Attitude program was awesome. Blessings to you all,
# 23 May at 4:56 am
Cork and Carol says:Awake early this a.m. after a night of work and with many thoughts and prayers for you all!!! Glad there is some improvement….praying for much more! Ps 56:3&4: “When I am afraid I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust.” This is a children’s song that is going through my head this morning. Hope to connect with you tomorrow.
Love you!
# 23 May at 5:34 am
Christine says:I have followed your blog for some time now, and recorded “Attitude” this morning as I was working. I have just watched it, and I agree with all the comments on here saying what 2 beautiful children you have, and I also wish to say what 2 well behaved children you have. Asher is so young to be in the midst of all this, but somehow he is shining in his own right, by being such a good little boy, which I am sure you must appreciate hugely when your life is in such a huge turmoil at present. I admire your whole family and your belief in your faith, which is obviously a huge coping mechanisim for you. Pleased to see thing have improved a little from yesterday. Sending you strength and prayers for the journey ahead, and wishing your darling little Aria (adore her name), all the very best for a successful recovery and a happy future.
# 23 May at 10:55 am
Tiffany Keller says:I’m thankful to hear that she is doing a little better today! I don’t know how I would react in your situation Anita! I pray that Aria will continue to get better! God Bless!