Out and About - Aria MacDonald

Out and About

Well Aria’s transition to home continues to go well. Yesterday we plucked up the courage to take her on her first outing. Predictably it was to Target (our favourite store) and Aria had a great time. She picked out the things that she wanted; shoes, a drink bottle, sun glasses, a towel, pillow cases… She really enjoyed the new sights.

She also spent the whole day from when she got up till bedtime with her speaking valve on. She was very excited to put it on in the morning so she could talk to us and tell us what she wanted. It also seems to be helping with her breathing too as the different air flow it creates to allow her to speak also increases the strength of her cough. Adding to this great day for Aria was that she spent about 6 hours breathing regular room air (she has been on oxygen support most of the time since she got off the ventilator).

So all in all Aria is going really well. The next big challenge is getting her moving under her own power again. We gave her some time in her walker today but she was pretty reluctant to give it a go although we did walk around the lounge a wee bit. Slowly but surely we’ll get there I’m sure.

Lastly there was a comment on the last post regarding why God made Aria unwell in the first place and why he doesnt’ get called out for that and just gets praise for making her better. Aria’s unwellness is a sad thing. In a perfect world everyone would not have to suffer sickness and death. However the reality of life is that there is sin and evil in the world and all of us are cursed by it. Aria was born subject to this curse and in her life it meant she was born with this terrible genetic condition. While God could have prevented this, his plans are far superior to ours and he sees the outcome from the beginning and only intends good for his people even though sometimes its hard in the interim.

Aria’s illness has been a great blessing to us as parents and to many around us. Not only has Aria’s character been inspirational, but the way the various challenges we have faced has shaped us has made us much ‘better’ and different people than a life with a ‘normal’ child would have. We have come to know and trust God in a way a regular life would of failed to inspire and we praise God that he has chosen us to care for this special child and entrust us with such a special journey that has touched many lives.

We do praise God for his answering prayers for her restoration to us, but we praise him more for the comfort that even if Aria was not to recover and would pass, that God has guaranteed that she would have healing and life eternal with Him, in heaven, through the death of His own Son, Jesus.

I’ll leave this verse with you all as well as the one you can read at the top of the page…. Genesis 50:20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.

36 Responses to “Out and About”

  1. Lynn says:

    What a beautiful post. I am so glad Aria is doing so well! Target is one of my favorite stores too! Your explanation about God working all things for good has really been a theme for my own life lately. My husband and I have no children and have dealt with years of infertility and loss. Many people have said to us that they do not understand why a loving God would not bless us with a child. God did not cause this. But, He has lovingly blessed us in so many ways throughout the process that are perhaps lessons we could not have learned in any other way. I truly feel blessed by this trial, because of the appreciation it has given me for all of the beautiful things God HAS given to us. There are SO MANY beautiful blessings we have received! And, interestingly, after all of these years, as a woman who is almost 40 years old, I am 9 1/2 weeks pregnant. We found out it is extremely high risk and will be for the entire pregnancy. My doctor has already given me the heads up that I will likely go on bed rest. But, we have our faith and trust in God and pray that He will watch over this tiny little person and we have completely submitted ourselves to His divine will. And, we feel completely blessed. Your scripture in Genesis has deep meaning to me too. Thank you for such a beautiful post. This one really touched me very deeply and personally. I pray for Aria every day and will continue to do so. Oh, and on a side note, we live in the USA but a few years ago we took a vacation to New Zealand. One of our favorite days was hiking to the top of Rangitoto Island just off of Auckland. Beautiful!

  2. joyce says:

    How wonderful that you were able to get out and enjoy Target.It is so hard to believe that Aria has come along so fast after her long journey.I believe that God has used her to show the doubters that there is a God who cares for his own. It has changed many lives of Christians to have a stronger prayer life and give all our cares to him who is in control.
    This has certainly changed me since following Caed and Aria on their journey with him. Miracles still happen and we give thanks.

  3. Mary says:

    I find that the words of the hymn written by William Cowper, “God works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform” to be very fitting. I do realise that may people would have difficulty with this concept though, it does take faith to believe it. Quite early on, after my learning of your family and the challenges you were facing with such tremendous strength, I was pondering this myself. There is no doubt in my mind that it is your deep faith that has carried you through this to a huge degree. I wondered how people without such faith in God could have stayed the course. But just as importantly, as Joyce has said, I truly believe that you, Hamish, Anita and Aria have changed lives and been an inspiration. This has certainly changed mine for the better, a lesson of the power of faith and prayer that I hope will stay with me for the rest of my life. None of this takes anything away from the skill and dedication of all of the medical and nursing staff who have done such wonderful things for Aria

  4. Bracefield family says:

    The kids at church were so pleased to see Aria home! Wonderful explanation of sin in our world and the goodness of God in response.
    May God continue to strengthen you all on this new part of the journey.
    In Christ
    The Bracefields

  5. Kenya & Almariah says:

    you couldn’t have said all of that any better. It’s true that no matter what you all are so blessed to take care of God’s little Angels. I am so happy for you guys to be able to go through so much and come out victorious no matter what situation has been thrown your way. Give Aria a big hug from us and a pat on everyone’s back for such an amazing job with Aria’s care. we love you all.

  6. EVE GILKES says:

    Anita, a wonderful reply to the comment that God made Aria unwell. God gave us a perfect world to live in …… Paradise, the garden of Eden. In no way does He want us ill.
    Just look what we have done to this beautiful world that God put into our care ……. the pollution we have poured into it, chemicals, pesticides ….. waste products of every kind …… I’m surprised we don’t get more things/health going wrong.
    With my love and prayers.

  7. Raylene says:

    Thank you Hamish for your explanation in this post. I have had much “food for thought” during the time I have been reading your posts and peoples reply to them. So pleased to hear of Aria’s continual improvement.

  8. Genevieve/Paws says:

    While God never promised us that we would never endure hardships, He has promised us that He will walk through it all with us, He will even carry us when things get so hard. Allowing us to experience hardship allows us to make a choice, to choose Him or to not. He loves us so much He leaves the choice up to us.

    It’s fantastic hearing the progress Aria is making, Love and prayers to you guys!

  9. Tiffany Keller says:

    I’m glad things continue to go well with Aria! Sounds like Aria had a fun time at Target, & it will become her favorite store too! You have the right idea, Anita, about praising God no matter what the circumstances! God Bless you!

  10. Donna Wallis says:

    Woohoo Go Aria. awesome to hear that you are doing so well.
    Keep up the great work, enjoy hanging out with your amazing family, and spending time together doing family things.
    Much love

  11. Joan Marshall says:

    What a strength of mind and faith with your post. Hearing that Aria is so much enjoying her “new” life is just uplifting and it must be for you and Hamish too. I know there’s a long way to go for you all, but since I have been “being updated” I just can’t get over the improvements and the positive notes in your daily postings. AND the strength of character all your followers share with us all.

  12. chrissy Hallberg says:

    WONDERFULL NEWS TODAY,isn’t it great just knowing you all had an outing that families do on any normal day.Miss Aria,you Go GIRL,there will be lots and lots of outings to come.Won’t be long and Aria will be pushing the trolly around Target throwing in the goodies.!!!!!,and you will all be running to catch up with her.xxxxx

  13. Leticia says:

    Such a wonderful Explanantion of the mystery’s of God vs Evil. Im so glad you all are doing ‘normal’. I hate it when epople say normal is overrated because sometimes it is really the best thing ever.
    Any Prayer points for us??

  14. Josie says:

    Shopping is ALWAYS good for a girl’s health and always makes us feel better – so keep it up Aria! Your posts are the highlight of my days – GOD is SO GOOD…and he is sovereign, even when we don’t understand. You guys are such inspirations of strength, faith and perserverence and LOVE. We love you xxxx

  15. Lisa Robertson says:

    Lovely post. Great to hear about the shopping trip! Just what every girl needs huh Aria!!! Sounds like Aria is doing fantastic at home and with the speaking valve…. leaps and bounds 🙂 Love to you all! xxx

  16. Rod & Margaret says:

    Hamish your post shows a knowledge of scripture such as many earthly kings and princes do not possess. Aria’s progress is nothing short of a miracle brought about by the combined power of prayer and faith.
    You’ll never walk alone.

  17. iliganoa says:

    Oh wow, thank you so much my brother, way to go with all the loving care for Aria, yes, because God says she is so special!!!!!an evangelical tool, she has really started young to inspire you both and all around her especially myself. Tears of admiration for your great sermon, although I have always told you both of the great work and talent that our God has put in you Hamish. To hear you preach from afar has made me so excited about all that God has blessed you with and cant wait to hear you preach in our church again. His will be done His will is best brother, GREAT IS OUR GOD’S FAITHFULNESS TO ALL OF US HIS LOVING CHILDREN, PRAISE PAPA’S NAME ALWAYS. IN ALL THINGS ACKNOWLEDGE HIM AND HE WILL MAKE OUR PATHS STRAIGHT, GOD IS WITH YOU ALWAYS, I LOVE YOU ALL, BIG HUG FOR YOU ALL MY FAMILY IN CHRIST, sister Noa.

  18. fiona says:

    Praise God – what a wonderful statement of faith- it IS easy to think ‘why does God allow bad stuff?’ – but the fact is that this world is a mess because of US. And the other wonderful thing is- THIS life is just a temporary little ‘flick of the fingers’- the REAL thing is MUCH MUCH better and is for ever!!!

  19. Lori says:

    1st of all, SO GOOD to hear Aria is doing so well, and the transition “home” went smoothly! Prayed for you guys all during the week of camp. Secondly…..your answer to that question was AWESOME!!!!! Right on! It’s hard to explain to others, but what JOY it is when you are able hold that truth tightly in your heart.

    We LOVE you all VERY MUCH!!!!!

  20. Bronwyn says:

    You guys are such a wonderful testimony to us all… and to see how you have handled it and been able to relate ‘from the beginning to now’ shows tremendous strength of character and faith…being able to trust God for ALL outcomes is indeed a sign of amazing belief that HE IS IN CONTROL.
    Only God KNOWS the outcome for us all in life….. totally with you all the way, trusting for daily progress and a sense of peace about it all. When you have been through something like this it IS only when you look back, that you can see how far you have come – with HIM in the picture. Bless you all so very much!

  21. Robyn says:

    That would have been a hard post to receive and do. You did very well and I hope that through these posts many will come to believe and/or increase their faith through reading them.

  22. Jan Piper says:

    A lovely post today I just so love getting these every day. I can so relate to what you are saying. I have had to put my faith in God while we battled over children, one of nearly one and the other 21years old and a grandchild with special needs plus other things like a lot of us have to go thru.. Keep going you are fantastic and I know what a life changing experience these things are. I to feel truley blessed to have had all these experiences love to you all take care

  23. Clair Ennion says:

    and Amen
    Love Clair

  24. Lauren says:

    Lots of great posts here, and you guys did a fabulous job with a topic that is not easy (for a non-Christian) to get their head around! Gosh, if only it were that simple (that God would never allow suffering) but we’d be puppets on strings if everything were perfect, with no real free will.

    Regardless of that, and regardless of your strength as parents, and Aria’s incredible inspiration, and all the other amazing things that you guys have shown us, regardless – it doesn’t stop me wishing that you guys were spared. Goes for everyone here I have no doubt.

    And lastly can I just sneak in to Lynn above – I don’t know you, but congratulations on your little miracle too, how exciting after such a wait!

  25. jeannie overall says:

    i love the fact that you have always had unwavering trust in God’s greater plan for you all and Aria-in spite of the trials, setbacks, aching hearts, seemingly hopeless situations at times etc-God has blessed you for your courage and faithfulness and always will, one way or another
    have had no pc for a few weeks so have to get on at school when possible-God bless you all and keep excited! jeannie

  26. Kathleen and Anita says:

    Amen to that, brother!
    Looking at your situation through spiritual eyes certainly makes it easier to cope in the natural realm.
    Lovely you are enjoying doing “normal” things together as a family.

  27. Samantha Sutherland says:

    Lovely post. Yes, Aria has transformed you as people and parents, and this transformation has been forced upon you – lets face it who would ask for a gift like this! The rewards are many and profound, even though the road to get there is insane. I’m so glad you choose to share Aria and your journey as a family with so many people, I know it has been difficult for such private people to lay your lives and feelings out there but it is much appreciated and inspiring.

  28. Yvonne RRN says:

    A little shopaholic in the making huh? Such practical choices on her first USA shopping trip. She knows shoping is theraputic!!

  29. Linda Crosbie says:

    WOW I just marvel at the journey so far and here you have Miss Aria out picking her summer wardrobe and accessories!!! I will always be in awe of the way you have handled this road to a new life for Aria and yourselves. Truely inspirational. Kia kaha on the next stage. Wonderful that you have Mum and Dad from NZ there supporting you. XXXX

  30. jen says:

    wtg Aria
    praying for the next big challenge
    God is good

  31. Natalie and Cody says:

    well i am still shaking my head at this miracle that is Aria – it is so wonderful that she has come so far in 5 months from near death to a new start in her journey – absolutely wonderful

  32. Lyaine says:

    Wow amazing to hear that she had such a wonderfuly time Shopping.Amazing cos only just a few short days ago she was in Hospital.

  33. mary says:

    it’s awesome to hear of the progress Aria and you as a family are making! Target sure was my favourite shopping destination in the US 🙂

  34. Judy Palmer says:

    I agree with all the other posts, Hamish, your explanation was superb. You and your family have been an inspiration to me and I look forward to your posts every day. 43 years ago our daughter was taken from us suddenly and now I am sorry that we did not have the privilege of donating her organs to save another child like Aria but back then organ transplants were not an option. your post today spoke to me in a way not experienced before, thank you. I am so pleased Aria is doing so well and will pray that she will get more mobile. Blessings, Judy.
    To Lynn, I had a baby when I was 41 and she is now 26 and has just had her 3rd daughter. I would like to pray for you during your pregnancy if that is alright with you. Judy.

  35. Deina says:

    Kia Ora Anita and Hamish
    I have been a silent observer of this breath-taking journey you are travelling with your family. Your faith is amazing. While driving in the car this morning I heard a song and immediately thought of your family, ‘Through the Fire’ by Randy Travis. If you ever get a spare moment in the chaos it’s a real soul-lifter xx Arohanui xx

  36. Lynn says:

    To Judy Palmer (who commented above),

    Thank you so much for your kind words. We would be honored if you would add us and our little one to your prayers. Your kindness brought tears to my eyes. It is also nice to know that there are others who have had successful pregnancies in their 40s. You have given me great hope. Thank you for the prayers!


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“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11