We are HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Aria MacDonald

We are HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are HOME HOME HOME !!!!!

So so so happy to be here.

Rebecca picked Aria and I up and then we picked up Asher from the Bracefields were Sue and Katherine were looking after him. 

Aria is so happy to be home.  She was standing and leaning against the coffee table and took a few steps toward the couch to sit down.  So happy because she hasn’t walked in over a week.  But the best thing is she has been laughing since we walked in the door.  She is watching Asher walk around and do crazy things and she is laughing and talking to him. Super cute, makes me so thankful Asher is part of our family.

Forgot to say Our beloved Dr E is going to be on the telly tonight. On Channel One the 6pm news. Not in regard to us but something else going on at Starship which I will pretend I know nothing about and didn’t do more snooping after she wouldn’t tell me at rounds yesterday.

Click HERE if you missed it.   Wow, there are some amazing people at Starship, patients and staff.

7 Responses to “We are HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

  1. Brian and Sandra Ready says:

    Well how about that!!! Yippee! We are so happy for you! That is excellent news :-)))))

  2. Rolf and Helen Jansen says:

    Great to hear! How wonderful to hear that laugh again. x

  3. susan says:

    thats so neat that you’re home. Glad Aria is happier too.

  4. Lisa Robertson says:

    HOOORAY FOR HOME HUH!!!!! Thrilled for you guys… have a wonderful weekend! x

  5. Tina Godbert says:

    Hooray for Home, So happy to think of you there instead of hospital. Well done Aria and all of you.

  6. Kate and James says:

    I hope you all enjoyed your first night home in your own beds. We also hope Aria keeps getting better. We are thinking of you always.

  7. LemoNZ says:

    Yeah for being home…I am so sorry I am late to hear about this as we were mirroring Aria being in hospital with a barely responsive little man with kidneys not functioning and infection spread to spinal fluid. We are glad to be home even on the ABs as he is a completely different kid at home as it sounds like Aria is too.

    Long may we stay out of hospital with are prescious little blessings 🙂

    God Bless you all and PLEASE feel free to contact me if you ever need an ear. I am more than happy to phone you back.

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