Aria’s breakfast, lunch and dinner - Aria MacDonald

Aria’s breakfast, lunch and dinner

Thanks Chris for your question after my last post. We are more than happy to answer questions, thank you for following Aria’s progress!

Just as I was typing this Aria is telling me that she wants more of her toast for breakfast. Whenever we have food Aria has to be in on the action and we encourage her to be. She has her own food or we give her a little bit of what we are having in her own plate. She has her own sipper cup and likes to have some of Asher’s pumpkin.

Does she actually eat what we give her – not really. It is more like pretend play that kids Aria’s age like to do. She puts it in her mouth and pretends to chew, she doesn’t actually really bite or swallow. If it is mushy like Asher’s pumpkin or weetbix she will have a tiny bit.

Food is more of a social thing, that people probably don’t realise. It is important to us that Aria doesn’t feel different or weird. Awhile ago we went to her friend Lara’s transplant birthday party and she sat with the kids with food on her plate, you wouldn’t of picked she didn’t actually eat. We treat Aria like she does eat cause one day she will and we don’t want it to be weird for her.

6 Responses to “Aria’s breakfast, lunch and dinner”

  1. Ali/nerdygirl says:

    Wow, I always assumed she wouldn’t have food! Shows how much I know, aye?! I think it’s a really positive way to treat her, cos you’re right, she will eat one day!

    Ali xoxo

  2. Lisa Robertson says:

    Tis much how Matisses family work the process too… i think it is great!! I am so looking forward to the day when Aria can eat and i am sure you will be posting pictures of that!!
    Hope you are all having a wonderful week! x

  3. Lisa Robertson says:

    Actually, i have been thinking of Aria and food and i have a question too!! I know that she is fed differently and so obviously is kept from feeling overly ‘hungry’ – do you think this is why she doesnt actually eat the ‘play’ food she gets or is it more an instinct or taught that she shouldnt eat it? As you guys are teaching Aher to eat now you would know all about the learned skill of actually swallowing food – is it that she doesnt actually eat as it isnt a learned habit?? SO many questions!!!!! I will forgive you entirely if you dont have time to answer them!!!

  4. Chris says:

    Thanks immensely for answering my question. I didn’t want to seem rude being curious about it. You have an amazing little girl and it will be incredible for you one day to see her eat properly.

  5. Priscilla says:

    Aria turns two next week! yay! 🙂 (im a June baby too)

  6. The Little Playhouse and eating « Aria MacDonald says:

    […] having morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea now at home and at daycare.  AGES ago Lisa asked me a question about whether Aria doesn’t eat cause she isn’t hungry or because she doesn’t have […]

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