Light in the darkness - Aria MacDonald

Light in the darkness

The past few days have been a bit difficult for me for reasons I won’t go into.  I have been feeling a bit down and today saw a turnaround.

I got a call this morning about Aria’s EEG.  A test she needs to have because of the seizure that she had.  She had gotten an appointment straight after she got out of hospital but I couldn’t manage to find someone to come with me (I had 10mins) and couldn’t face taking taking both kids and trying to entertain Aria for an hour long test.  So I said no I can’t cope after a discussion with Hamish.

So 6 weeks later they have a space for her at 8.30am this Thursday.  And it was the only one available cause they are booked solid.  So being in a better frame of mind having a few weeks at home I said yes.  I could manage.  BUT amazing, Hamish starts at lunchtime and finishes at 9pm one thursday every week in three and would you know it is the same thursday Aria’s appointment is on.  So he can come!!!!  

It is a very early appointment but that is great cause he will be able to get to work in time and we are going to stay in town at Rebecca’s parents house again, so very blessed.

I also got a CD in the mail from Ali yesterday.  Thank you Ali.  There are some very powerful lyrics by a singer called Natalie Grant which speak directly into my situation.  I was amazed and grateful, Ali, thanks for being on my wavelength!

It is so wonderful when you can see God working and he reaches out to you in the midst of trial and blesses you even though you don’t ask or expect it.  We are not alone in our journey with Aria and He reminds us all the time.

6 Responses to “Light in the darkness”

  1. jen says:

    God probably has His hand on that test with Hamish being able to go and all

    praying for you all and the test too

  2. Steph vg says:

    Far out, you guys have certainly been through the ringer in the past week.
    God is so good! I’m so grateful that Aria’s health didn’t deteriorate and that you could enjoy your time together.
    Thinking of you with the test coming up.
    Love and prayers, Steph and family xxxxx

  3. Ali says:

    Awesome. You guys are always in my heart.

    Ali xoxo

  4. Dad says:

    No matter how difficult, or negative things are you are still very much front of mind, and very much loved – Your Dad

  5. Priscilla says:

    Natalie Grant is a great singer & songwriter 🙂 gotta love how God can use songs to really reach people right where they’re at with everything that happens..

  6. Neala says:

    Huge hugs from us.

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“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11