Happy Happy Joy Joy - Aria MacDonald

Happy Happy Joy Joy

Last night was filled with adventure!  Well not really but it felt like it!!

Aria’s gut finally started to release some of the stuff it was holding.  Overnight about 500mls of nasty brown liquid came out.  Unfortunately her tube wasn’t flowing well so there was some vomiting, poor girl.  Felt really bad for her.  There is an impressive pile of washing today and Hamish and I are pretty tired.

But she is saying her tummy isn’t sore and it feels softer to touch.  All good signs

This is the very thing we had been praying for so we are really happy and feel relieved.  Today hopefully she will improve more and start to get a bit more active.

Lunchtime update:  Aria is doing great :)  Lots more brown junk coming out which is great.  Better out than in!  She has manage more sitting up and has been playing with her feet in her hands lying down, which she couldn’t of managed yesterday with a big sore belly in the way.  Phew!  We are so relieved- did I mention that?? 🙂

She is now telling me we should ‘go upstairs right now for a bath’  Yay, have been trying to convince her all morning.

5 Responses to “Happy Happy Joy Joy”

  1. Brenda says:

    Hope you all manage to get a nana nap today to be able to enjoy tomorrow.. So good to get that nasty stuff out of little tummies.. indeed happy happy joy!

  2. susan says:

    Still praying for and thinking of you guys! God bless!!

  3. Deborah says:

    Yay so glad that all of that nasty stuff is coming out!! and that yesterday went well at covenant we were praying for you.

    xx debs

  4. jacqueline says:

    Hi, it’s me from pndu group. I have just logged on to your site and read all the lastest….what a trip you’ve had. Soooo sorry to read all the news, except things do sound as though they are getting better….what a releif for you. All the very best to you…..lots of prayers being sent your way…Love Jacqueline

  5. Tiffany says:

    Yay!!! I’m so happy to hear that Aria is feeling better! 🙂

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“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11