The important lesson of the day - Aria MacDonald

The important lesson of the day

I learnt something very important today.  Never ever leave your cellphone where you can’t hear it.


Let me explain

Hamish and Aria went to pick up the balance of her antirobotics (yes robotics) while Asher and I went to have afternoon tea at my friend Christy’s parents house to celebrate her being over from OZ with her little girl.  It was nice to chat up and spend time with people.  Asher was running around like a mad person so it was busy making sure he wasn’t getting up to mischief or breaking anything.

Anyway Hamish and Aria drove all the way in to Auckland Hospital to collect the rest of the ABX that they had said would be there last Wednesday.  Hamish got there and they said to come back in ten mins.  He returned and they said they didn’t have them.  What!?  We had used our last dose that morning.  They said the computer was showing two boxes but then also said the wholesaler had rung late Friday to say they were out of stock but they would call us tomorrow and courier some.  Two different stories- very strange.  So Hamish left and came home.

We meet at the Peeks and were panciking as to how we were going to get Aria her dose- there is no way she should miss 2 doses.  So we went home with the idea to ring the ward and see if there was some there.  I got home and checked my phone- 3 missed calls!!!!  And a message saying ‘please come back we found your ABX’ :<

No way- we were steamed AND it was 4.22pm and the pharmacy had closed at 4pm.  Epic fail Pharmacy as my sister would say.

Thankfully our ward are awesome.  We rang 26B and the nurse rang the on call Pharamist who said he couldn’t help cause Aria wasn’t an inpatient.  So then the nurse rang the Gastro Consultant cause Aria just needed those ABX.  The Consultant then rang me in total of three times.  First to say ‘Whats the story’ second to say ‘I am on the case’ and thirdly to say ‘Come back we have found some’

What a legend he was!!! As was the nurse who helped us!!!

Needless to say the Pharmacy dropped the ball majorly but our ward and team totally picked it up and ran with it and got it over the try line for the best result for Aria.   Needless to say two trips into town and back was a waste of time and petrol and we will be complaining about the very poor service.

I wish I had my phone my pocket and not my handbag.  I realised that when we are listed for transplant and waiting for ‘the call’ I won’t have the luxury of just enjoying a party and not worrying about my phone.   Lesson learnt !!!

2 Responses to “The important lesson of the day”

  1. Tiffany says:

    Yeah, I would be mad at the pharmacy too! I’m so sorry you had such a bad day! I think the pharmacy needs a new manager, or something!

  2. Jessica says:


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