Goodbye Fisher and Paykel Finance - Aria MacDonald

Goodbye Fisher and Paykel Finance

Today was Hamish’s last day at Fisher and Paykel Finance

Over 3 years ago our plan was to have our baby and go to the US for Hamish to study and complete his Masters of Divinty.  Obviously things didn’t not go to our plan and now we are going to the States for a completely different reason.

Our plans weren’t God’s plans.  But His plans and His provision was F & P Finance.  After Aria was born and we were home it was time for Hamish to get a full time job.  He was going to accept the first offer he got and that came from F & P Finance.  Turns out God blessed us with an amazingly supportive and understanding workplace.   Not only did they fundraise $1000s for Aria but were very very understanding with days off and last minute phones call from  Hamish to say he was needed at hospital with Aria.  We were so very grateful and will always be for the kindness shown to us.

To be honest we thought we would be jumping for joy at the idea of Hamish being off work now but there is sadness at leaving these people who have cared and supported us.  Even the CEO and Chief Ops Officer came to farewell Hamish and say hi to the kids at his farewell morning tea. Very cool.

But of course this is not goodbye because we will be back to visit.  The kids loved visiting today.  Asher ran around laughing and Aria collected handfuls of chocolates and looked for bunny rabbits.  Cute.

Thanks F & P Finance!

7 Responses to “Goodbye Fisher and Paykel Finance”

  1. Ali and Bella says:

    How wonderful to have such a fantastic, supportive workplace.

  2. Kylee says:

    I havent written before but Ive been following you guys for some time now…. Im really praying and believing for you guys that miracles continue to outfold and rain down…. Just know how many people you have in New Zealand and Im sure all over the world who are standing with you guys in prayer and support to see your beautiful Aria well and restored!! I pray you get to the states soon and Im soo thankful you had such amazing bosses…. there are still so many goood and understanding people in this world and that right there proves it!! Bless you guys…. Love Kylee xx

  3. Fiona says:

    Good on F & P. God blesses those who bless His children- so those good folk who have stood by you- they will feel His blessing too. And I agree with Kylee- lots of us- many who dont know you- we are all with you in prayer and thoughts. Go guys- and bless you heaps

  4. Tiffany says:

    Hi Anita & Hamish. It’s so great that F & P were so understanding! I’m glad to hear that you get to come to the USA now! I hope it will be a safe trip for you! God Bless!

  5. Steph van Garderen says:

    What fantastic people F&P Finance are. Glad to hear that Aria and Asher had such a fun time at the morning tea and that Hamish is obviously so well thought of.

  6. Linda says:

    Hi Hamish and Anita.

    It was our pleasure at Fisher & Paykel Finance to have not only Hamish but your family as part of our team. Hamish contributed to our ongoing success in so many ways with sharing his knowledge with fellow staff members and other parts of the business with working on projects. The FPF Team send our best wishes and prayers with you as you go on this journey to Omaha. Hamish you little sneaky man you slipped out on Tuesday without us saying a further goodbye!!! Please come and see us before you go.

    Linda C

  7. Sergio Kolata says:

    Hello there. Thanks for this site. I check it regularly to see the latest stuff.

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“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11